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Everything posted by 1nfrequentF1yer

  1. Thanks for update, was that sent out en masse? If so I didn't get it so I'm hoping they still got my app...
  2. tl;dr: No, either can be taken in whatever order. I don't believe there are any regulations surrounding the order of the tests being taken. I personally took TBAS at an AFROTC detachment THEN AFOQT at an ANG base. If there's a required precedence then they probably wouldn't have let me do that. I took the tests the earliest times I could get them scheduled and I would suggest you do the same if you are ready to roll. There are no advantages that I can think of for waiting, your AFOQT performance shouldn't be dependent on your TBAS performance and vice versa. That said (assuming your TCOs submit the test to Randolph correctly and timely), you won't get your PCSM without your AFOQT scores. I do know some test centers won't schedule you for TBAS until you have taken AFOQT, for whatever reason.
  3. Looks like Fresno boards (according to 144FW website) are suspended/postponed/canceled. Not sure which one... As of today:
  4. I can't speak for how competitive/how many gets asked to go rush or to interview because I have no idea, but that's really all you do/all I did was to submit a resume. I was contacted by the hiring officer the day after and just had a short, fairly casual chat, so he is looking at resumes as they come in. The timeline/process as he explained is the same as what was in the posting also. Best of luck!
  5. I’ve heard nothing, and thinking of giving a call tomorrow to see where they’re at or if it’s a sign to move on
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