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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. I ended up getting selected active duty for UPT and was lucky enough to track T-38s. Still a little jealous of the guard/reserve fighter dudes, but i'm not complaining at all haha
  2. I will say that from my personal experience (guard/reserve apps and interviews for about two years) I specifically received feedback from multiple interviews that the main reason I was not chosen was primarily this. However, I don't know if this is a consistent sentiment or specifically where I was applying/rushing (mainly fighter units). Once I promoted and handed in my applications with Capt on them, the interviews started being almost non-existent. I have also heard of multiple O-3s who were accepted for guard/reserve UPT slots, especially in heavy units. I think part of the reason is that the board is hiring a 2Lt position to fill your younger CGO ranks in the squadron, and hiring a 1Lt or Capt with a few years of experience doesn't fill that slot for as long. As to the non-rated side, being non-rated previously myself and going through UPT, I could see where units would count a rated dude higher. There were things that those dudes already knew going into UPT that others had to learn. Like you said, I wouldn't be dissuaded, just know you're really going to have to present a great case to the hiring board on why they should pick you.
  3. I would say it’s 69% how well you do and the rest luck and timing. There was a track where they were making people go T-38s because they couldn’t fill all the slots and (more common) there have been tracks where there were multiple people who didn’t get 38s who wanted them. There is no shortage on T-38 tracks in UPT right now, and the timing couldn’t be better for the drops (exclusively fighter/bomber/faip) with Buffs going to the T-1 now. I interviewed at quite a few guard/reserve squadrons to no avail but ended up staying AD and am in 38s now. If you’re a late to rate dude it’s even better because they won’t FAIP you.
  4. I might have just found out another trick to find your RNLTD. Might need someone else to verify it though... On the assignments page where the "EFMP Application" link is, there is a "Report Not LaterThan Date (RNLTD) Change Request" option 1. Click it 2. It goes to a myPers site "https://mypers.af.mil/app/answers/detail/a_id/24434" 3. On this site if you scroll to the bottom to "Related Resources there is an option for "RNLTD Change Request Application" This showed my RNLTD before it showed up in my CDB or anywhere else. You might also be able to just go straight to step 2 or 3 also. Hope this helps!
  5. It wasn’t too bad at all. Everyone is really nice. If you’ve tested positive for COVID, expect to go a day early so they can monitor your vitals. Besides that it’s just measurements, vision tests, and the psych/cognitive tests in the afternoon. Lots of food places are closed on base because of staffing shortages so I wish I would have had a rental car. Side note: used the EFMP trick to find out I’ll be going to Columbus for UPT, not sure on dates yet though. If anyone else has Columbus feel free DM me and maybe we can start a group chat.
  6. Same here, latest news is that the assignments are being loaded this week. Should have the info by Friday COB hopefully
  7. I've got MFS scheduled for 10 Feb and haven't heard anything except my unit asking me to sign a training RIP. Tried calling and emailing the MFS number from their website, but haven't gotten through. How did you guys find the LOA/details about the TDY?
  8. Ask and ye shall receive...just got MFS date for 10 Feb on my CDB
  9. Does anyone have any update as to when class/IFT/MFS dates will be posted? I think last year it looked like they posted in your CDB a couple days after selection.
  10. UPT select, my CFM said they wouldn't release me, but I made it through somehow! I was shocked when I heard the news 95 pilot/90 PCSM & PPL with 300+ hrs
  11. Submitted as well. Every time I see the email that says "UFT Board [Incident #" I get a little worried haha, but all seems to be good so far. Does anyone know if they are skipping straight through your career field's opinion this year, or does your career field still get to decide if they will release you for training? I remember a few years back they told all CFMs they didn't have a choice and had to release someone if they were picked up.
  12. Yep, on my 2808 it says "pending successful completion of MFS-N"
  13. I do believe this is the case. Correct me if I am wrong or if anyone else has seen differently. Mine says "FCI approved pending completion of MFS"
  14. The issue at hand is not with the model itself, it is a sound predictive model. The old adage goes, "all models are wrong, some are useful". Obviously there are factors left out, but to increase throughput by 10% equates to ~1000 more pilots produced from SUPT from 2011-2018...imagine if we had produced that many more pilots without spending an extra dime or degrading the curriculum. We would now have more guys to fill white jet roles, more Capts in squadrons, and much healthier manning. It is a simple solution, but it is also a start at thinking differently about the problem, and instead of shortening timelines and reducing flight hours, maybe we can think outside the box to come up with a different approach where it all begins...the selection to attend UPT. @ViperMan is correct that we need to see the actual analytic results from the study to start coming to conclusions about which things to look for in an applicant, and I'm sure that can be obtained. However, this is an initial look at the predictive model and its power to help solve the issue, not a descriptive model aimed at analyzing past performance (even though we can gain insights from it). We are in a destructive cycle trying to produce more pilots at the same standard with less, and every time someone is unable to make it through the UPT process, the problem is compounded.
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