Ok, time to come out of lurking mode I guess.
I'm in the "without FCI" crowd. I was deployed to Afghanistan for all of CY20 an obviously couldn't have a FCI conducted downrange. The guidance that was given to me, and outlined briefly by AFPC and @Bean, is that all training dates will be coordinated after an approved FCI. Those that are selected with a current FCI will have training dates already established upon the listing of board results, or very soon thereafter.
So while there is a chance an applicant without a FCI could be selected over an applicant that does, the decision was (should be) based off merit, experience, and several other traits. Not medical. My assumption is that if a non-FCI select ends up medically disqualified then the next qualified applicant with a FCI will slide up... to include those on the alternates listing.
If anything, those with a valid FCI get a spot at the front of the line once selected.
Again, just my $0.02 with some very broad assumptions.
Ok, back to lurk mode. All notifications on, rapidly hitting the refresh button. Huge thanks to those reaching out to AFPC and getting the gouge for us.