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  1. Understood, appreciate it. Good luck!
  2. Anyone know if they've sent out invites yet? I think they had originally planned on having the board in early June but the app date was moved to May 30. TIA
  3. TBNT email from 123 FS just went out. Best of luck to all that were invited.
  4. Anyone heard back yet from Portland / 123rd FS?
  5. I believe the post on milrecruiter said they would send out invites for the social event in late February.
  6. Did anyone hear back from the 190th FS (Boise)? Their app guide had said they'd make notifications by Dec. 20th, but I'm holding out hope that with the holidays maybe there's a chance that things changed. Thanks all.
  7. Jax sent out phone interview notifications today. I have not heard anything from Wisconsin.
  8. Anyone heard back from Jacksonville yet?
  9. Anyone heard back from Portland yet? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  10. I received the same thing and agree.
  11. Yes, I heard from them on Sunday although I'm not sure if that was the day they notified everyone or not. Good luck to those invited, and if not keep pressing! Unsure on the 77th, didn't apply there.
  12. For anyone that may still be wondering, Oregon updated their website this morning with this: "Thank you for your interest in the Oregon Air National Guard. The invitations for the 2022 Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT) Selection Board have been sent. If you did not receive an invite, our next application window will open in December of 2022." Best of luck to those invited. Also got an email from DC this morning with this: "First round interview notifications will be sent out in April and will be conducted remotely. Second round interviews will take place in-person at JB Andrews – tentatively scheduled for May 13-15."
  13. Can anyone confirm if they've heard anything from Oregon regarding interview invites? I had expected to hear by now but would assume invites have already been sent out.
  14. Has anyone been able to get an answer back from the 157th FS on visiting in Sept./Oct.?
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