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Everything posted by Air_Space

  1. Without going into specifics how does HAF assume this is going to happen? Assuming Chang isn't a troll, there is just no way I can see this happening even if we go to T1 only sim track tomorrow. There's still the bottleneck of T-6s 1) Maintenance isn't going to be able to keep up especially on the 38 side 2) You don't have the instructors 3) High risk, if we go to flying 6-7 days a week with trip turns. That's how people put jets in the dirt (which we don't have enough of already). Or has HAF just said screw it, we accept the losses? 4) High ops tempo in UPT makes your instructor problem worse as now their living in s%*t towns and never see their family either in the process
  2. It's all very much TBD but in its current form it'll include everything IFF currently teaches with the SGTO instructors going to IFF if they haven't yet (FAIPs and bomber guys). They are talking about a split LOX which makes sense, so an experienced fighter IP coming to UPT would teach the normal UPT stuff as well as the advanced stuff whereas a FAIP would just teach the normal UPT stuff till maybe they were experienced and got the upgrade. Again a lot of talk right now but that's where we are at.
  3. Wild times these days. Each drop is so wildly different END 23-12 F-15E 2X F-35 2× T6 FAIP, 11B and 11F B-52
  4. Don't worry I've been hearing this in the flight rooms at END as well now. The students know don't be top half because then their not FAIP eligible but don't be bottom so you don't get BUFF'd
  5. Been running 2.5 for awhile as a 38 IP so here's my take. The whole general thought process behind the syllabus change was a good idea but in typical AF fashion got completely f**ked along the way. VR is good but lacks in a lot of crucial ways. It isn't and should never be a replacement for time in the seat (see T1 divestment). I do see students better prepared on their initial rides in each block of training as a result. The problem is a lot of IPs just don't treat these sims as important so the effort they put in is minimal. This results in poor habit patterns or just less learned because IPs will fill these to do their other queep while "proctoring" the sim. Because the syllabus is such a change and continues to change it results in a ton of work for the line IPs. There's more paperwork per student with the milestone system. More gradebook scrubs to find things that will block progress. And just overall more events because of the VR sims with our already shit manning. PR/PA shouldn't be used as a timeline tool. Our leadership has said so time and time again. But in the end guess what? It does. The UPT timeline is hugeeee!!!! So between more events with less IPs and engine time there's so much pressure whether actual or not on the flight commanders to keep the conveyor belt moving. The biggest win in my opinion is the CRAFT system. Don't remember what it stands for but it don't matter. These are syllabus required classes to work on their mental and physical ability. It works on task management, strength and endurance training, and even nutrition. It has helped studs pass the fuge (because this generation apparently can't take care of themselves) and improve their ability to dig out of holes with the task management mind games. Overall on the 38 side the syllabus is OK but has significant holes. More spoon feeding them the information in the form of more green suit lead academics and VR sims. More options in each block of training (both good and bad). Leveraging tech to see things on the ground. And most importantly taking care of the human system. Does it make better pilots, probably not. Does it make worse pilots, I don't think so
  6. Too many students sleeping with IPs so the good idea fairy said no more alcohol for dollar rides, etc. Cause that's definitely gonna solve the problem
  7. Buffs are back on the menu and in force! No longer are the bottom of the T-38 class guaranteed a viper which was becoming such a work ethic issue
  8. At the rate things are going the only people going to the BUFF are going to be FAIPs so AETC can pull them back to teach again after 1 tour
  9. There's some furnished houses out there specifically as family PIT pads where it'd be just your house for the time. They are few but exist on the Facebooks as your best source
  10. We're going off topic here but that's the current Columbus Wing/CC priority? We're that caught up over a patch or is the general idea of FAIP culture?
  11. At AETC headquarters land they are saying they'll start being divested in 2023 but who knows at what rate/where. None of this makes sense especially because they just T-1 FAIPd someone at Vance last night.
  12. 21-07 END T-38 only 3x F-16 (1 guard) A-10 T-38 FAIP B-52 (was asked for)
  13. As far as I know yes but the new UPT 2.5 syllabus has students go straight from T-6 to -130 so who knows. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the -1 only program isn't available for 130 people but who knows. Literally anything is possible right now it seems like
  14. I know they were doing it at Randolph and Vance is supposedly starting a class within a year. From my understanding you go straight to the T-1 and then get winged as an air force aviator? Seems like a neat concept especially for the guard/reserve guys that have no reason to learn how to fly formation in the T-6 prior to going to a heavy.
  15. So where do we go from here? If POTUS feels he has a valid claim of voter fraud that'll overturn the election results he should pursue every legal option available to him. The problem is we have yet to see concrete evidence of this and unfortunately the burden of proof is on him/his legal team. If the fight is kept up till inauguration day we end up with 2 options as a nation. A. Half the nation believes Trump was cheated out of a fair election by the democrats and the democrats have organized well enough to take any Republicans out of office when they need to B. Trump stays in office and confidence that a peaceful transfer of power can ever occur again goes out the window. No one now believes in the election process Either way the real losers are you and I. The American people, because no matter what happens faith in the election system has been damaged and our faith in both political parties has been depleted. At the end of the day I like to think everyone on this forum puts country before any political party which have both failed us in their pursuit for power. At this point I am just disappointed
  16. END 20-24/20-25 - T1s only KC-135 MacDill x2 C-17 Hickam C-17 Charleston x2 KC-135 Fairchild KC-135 MacDill (guard) MC-130 Kirtland E-3 Tinker C-21 Scott T-6 Vance C-17 McCord KC-135 Fairchild E-8 Robins KC-135 Key Field (guard) HC-130 DM C-17 C-21 Scott T-1 Vance C-5 Dover C-130 Youngstown (reserve) C-17 Stewart (guard)
  17. Very interested about trying to get into the 35 if I can make it work (ie. Not suck and fly airplanes good). Any idea if this is going to be a gradual shift or if it'll suddenly be like it is now where you get a viper and you get a viper, everyone gets a viper out of UPT? Ended T-6s with 90 hours and no ride repeats or extra rides. Also contrary to popular opinion you can still be kicked out of UPT and/or pursued to DOR. Probably not as much as the past but still happens
  18. Why is this a thing?
  19. PTN v3 U-28 x2 F-16 x2 T-45 x3 (USN) Typhoon (RAF) C-5 x2 RC-135 KC-135 (ANG) B-2 x2
  20. I'm just going to say you need to do a bit more research. I can understand your frustration with the guard/reserve side but if fighters/CAS is your dream then probably your best shot. For example a UPT class has about 20 or so active duty people. Each class gets about 2-5 T-38s on average. We are talking about a 10-25% chance you even make it to phase 3 on the right track. Then you have to simply not suck to get a fighter now a days and that may sound easy but it may not be. All I'm trying to say you really need to look at yourself in the mirror like so many others and decide if you went heavies would it make it all worth it. If not then honestly the Air Force might not be the best place for you because you will get screwed almost every step of your career. Other people with more experience please keep chiming in because I think our buddy is about to make a rash decision he may not be happy with in the end
  21. @Splash95 word is all new classes starting in June are going to the Banzai syllabus at Vance. Again that's just a rumor at this point as far as I know. Basically the big difference is there is more emphasis on VR and building good aviators not just getting to the next checkpoint in training. I'm under the old syllabus but my friends really like doing more solos, more advanced flying and being pushed harder. From what I've seen as an outsider, is those that "Got what it takes" do really well and are at least as good, if not better than their "traditional syllabus" peers. Those that struggle fall behind and seem to get left in the dust quicker. PM me if you have any questions about housing or Vance in general
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