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Everything posted by SubsidedRhyme11

  1. As a follow up to my post in case anyone’s in a similar situation: Retook the depth-perception test at my Reserve unit’s Med Group and passed through F uncorrected. Received paperwork from a flight doc showing I passed. Hoping to overturn the FC3 results or get back out to Wright-Patt on orders, still TBD. Wiling to put in the work for this one and would appreciate any suggestions!
  2. Got picked up by a heavy unit recently, would be happy to review your packet if you'd like. Shoot me a DM.
  3. Hey everyone, in need of some advice. Failed the depth-perception test and battery of other tests at Wright-Patt during my IFC and was not recommended for a waiver. My reserve POC is trying to retest my eyes at a local reserve med group. Should I be successful at the test, is there a process of overturning the results at Wright-Patt? Also looking to submit an ETP through AFROTC/reserves (although highly unlikely to be approved). In need of some advice, trying my best to try and get an official retest at a med group. Paging @mightymighty or anyone else who's been through the process.
  4. Ahh I gotcha! Best of luck going forward. Just some food for thought: I have an 82 Pilot AFOQT score and my 100+ hour bracket for PCSM is a 90. Most definitely retake that TBAS and study your ass off. Good luck man!
  5. That's a bum deal man I'm sorry to hear this. Last I heard AFRC is requiring a 70 PCSM score minimum for the boards. Definitely work with your unit and see what score you have to bump up to. I would retake the TBAS over the AFOQT (less risk for the reward). Let us know your AFOQT Pilot/PCSM/flight hours to see which component it's worth retaking.
  6. ROTC Reserve board met 06 Oct and has a projected return date of 31 Oct. Would expect at least a month from when the board meets.
  7. No worries, I actually emailed their unit directly and asked when the next hiring board was. Best advice I can give is that if you have interest in a unit, email/call and ask about when their next board is. Some don’t publicly post online.
  8. Apps due a couple weeks ago with interview notifications before August, -130’s.
  9. Anyone apply to Moffett on the most recent board?
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