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  1. https://www.stripes.com/branches/air_force/2023-03-01/air-force-awacs-commander-fired-okinawa-9292199.html?fbclid=IwAR0Gd5UdGUwIaW8zIi4Y_pEUisQ0lfkN34a42QEMrNtvLb6k4FZb_f-1U04
  2. Howdy! Just curious about the 46, hoping for some updated gouge ferda boys looking to move that way 1. Ops Tempo/Deployment How much do you fly, how often do you get trips? (good and or bad ones) 2. Lifestyle/ Family Stability Typical PCS cycle in effect for y’all? 3. Community morale 4. Advancements & Future of the airframe Timeline for AC/IP upgrades? 5. Preferred PCS Locations
  3. Something not discussed here yet has been divestment of the E-3.. obviously overdue to happen for these jets. When’s the last time the AF divested a crew jet with so many bodies? Anybody been part of a community that was being sent to the boneyard? There’s going to be a lot of aviators without a home in the coming years - navs first but also a thousand CEAs and then ACs and copilots too.. where are any of these folks gonna go? Speaking with perspective from the AWACS community, there’s definitely some excitement stemming from this announcement but also a healthy dose of skepticism.
  4. I’m an ignorant slut, apologies all! Most of these assignments are going to want an experienced AC or IP right? Upgrades seem realllll slow in my neck of the woods, trying to figure out where i might be able to go to actually get some seat time down the road
  5. hey y’all! heard some rumint the other day supposedly from afpc via a sq/cc via another co in my community, wondering if there’s any merit to it and if anyone has heard anything similar. I’m told that every pilot must, within their first ten years, go do a white jet tour or instruct at the ftu. who’s got the gouge?
  6. Wing responded on facebook - appears to defend the OG : https://www.facebook.com/552acw/posts/4418864084820167 Heres the text America’s Wing, Recently there have been multiple posts regarding toxic leadership and allegations of a lack of safety culture in the 552 ACW. I would like to address these two topics briefly and reset some expectations: Toxic Leadership: There is a difference between toxic leadership and intrusive leadership that holds people accountable. Toxic leaders don’t care about their subordinates, they only care about themselves. Toxic leaders don’t care if the organization fails, as long as there isn’t a perception that they failed. Toxic leaders berate, belittle, and demean teammates to accomplish their purposes. These are NOT the leaders in the 552! Our leaders are concerned about our Airmen, they are concerned about your resources, the quality of your life, the productiveness of your training, safe practices, risk management, and your individual contribution to the success of our wing’s mission. They will hold you accountable for decisions in a teaching way that encourages sound decision making practices and leadership qualities. Sometimes they will be disappointed by decisions…this is because they care. That is not toxicity. Safety Culture: I want it to be clear that safety is a driving factor in the execution of our worldwide mission every day and the procedures we have in place to triple check ourselves back up this assertion. Additional to safety processes, we have feedback mechanisms to help leaders understand the level of risks being accepted in the execution of our duties. At times, safety and risk will collide and generate great opportunities for learning and growth at all echelons of leadership. Safety is still paramount. This has not changed nor will it change during my tenure. Please continue to upchannel any concerns to your leadership. There is not a commander in the 552 that isn’t interested in making things better. We are here, we trust you, and we want to hear your thoughts and concerns!! Tomorrow morning at 0730 CST in Fannin Hall will be a flight-crew (Pilot’s, Navigators, and Flight Engineers) all call. If you are not on crew rest or engaged in a previous appointment, I would like to see you there. Thank you for an outstanding week of training hard!!! It is an honor to lead with you!! Hitch
  7. RUMINT is someone recorded some audio.. comacc is visiting early next week, at least a few peeps are expecting some changes.
  8. RUMINT: sexual assault accusation
  9. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2020/10/05/eglin-f-35-crash-resulted-from-tired-distracted-pilot-and-unresponsive-tail-glitch-investigators-find/?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=Socialflow+AIR&utm_medium=social So he "experienced cognitive degradation" but also "a previously unknown flight control logic glitch" that left him without pitch control? Thoughts?
  10. Current UPT stud, finished T6s with 74 hours, prog’d for 60 some odd total hours in T1s. I probably had 6-7 more hours in T6 land than most of my T1 bound classmates because of some unfortunate weather related BIT rides, 38 dudes had more rides for form stuff. Not sure how many sim hours we’ve gotten but also not sure how much those hours are really worth
  11. CBM 20-22/23 c-17 charlotte x2 c-130j little rock c-146 duke c-130j dyess f-15 SJ f-16 x3 a-10 DM t-6 cbm x2 c-17 travis c-17 charleston f-15 kingsley t-38 cbm f-22 tyndall
  12. CAFB 20-20/21 KC-135 Macdill (AFRC) C-5 Dover C-130H Maxwell (ANG) C-17 Travis x3 F-15 LA Guard A-10 DM C-130 KY ANG KC-135 KS ANG T-6 CBM F-16 NJ ANG C-17 Dover x2 C-17 Charleston x2 T-38 CBM F-16 tbd x2 C-130J Keesler (AFRC) KC-10 Travis x2 B-52 Barksdale F-15 Kingsley F-22 Hickam T-6 Laughlin Hc-130J CA ANG EC-130H DM E-3 Tinker MC-130J Kirtland C-17 McChord
  13. CBM 20-17/18 E3 Tinker C5 Dover C17 Charleston x2 C130 Dyess x2 C130 Little Rock HC130 DM MC130 Kirtland AC130 Duke U28 Hurlburt x2 KC135 MacDill T1 CBM T6 CBM T38 CBM B1 Dyess F35 Luke F16 x2
  14. confirmed deceased, best wishes to the family and the squadron https://www.dvidshub.net/video/756233/news-release-update-2-48th-fighter-wing-downed-aircraft
  15. 20-16/17 DLF C-17 JBLM T-6 Laughlin U-28 Hurlburt KC-135 McConnell C-17 Travis MC-130J Kirtland RC-135 Offutt T-6 Laughlin C-5 Dover C-130H Cheyenne ANGB C-5 Westover ARB KC-135 Macdill C-146 Duke F-15E Seymour Johnson C-130 Channel Islands ANGB C-17 Charleston C-17 McGuire E-8 Robins KC-135 Fairchild U-28 Hurlburt RC-135 Offutt CBM C-17 Travis C-130J Dyess x2 T-1 Columbus C-17 McGuire C-17 Charleston KC-135 Fairchild KC-135 Birmingham AL ANG HC-130J Moody C-17 Charlotte NC ANG x2 KC-10 McGuire C-130J Little Rock x2 C-17 McChord MC-130J Kirtland T-6 Columbus F-35 Luke C-130H Dobbins ARB C-17 Dover Question for the audience from a lowly T-1 stud - are the last drops of the year better or worse on average? FAIPs are saying it’s gonna be fire. Last drop of FY20 scheduled to be Aug 20 for classes 20-22/23
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