I’m 18 fighter squadron applications in so far, with zero interviews. So I feel your pain! Your background is stellar, so I highly recommend bogidope prep if you haven’t already!
When rushing I met a pilot who applied 56 times to fighter squadrons with zero interviews, got one interview and was hired. I think in our situation it’s a numbers game, every application is another set of eyes on your app. That set of eyes could be the one that leads to an interview which leads to your dream job. You never know when you’re one application away!
I agree with the personality meshing mentioned earlier, rushing is an inherently awkward experience so it’s often hard to judge how well you mesh. Especially when there are a large number of applicants visiting at one time. My advice is to just be yourself, don’t change or act differently just for them. If it’s meant to be you will find the unit that’s right for you!
cheers and I hope we see each other in UPT one day!