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  1. Looking for any 2.5ers who have 'graduated' and/or finished phase 3 and hit up the FAA for those Commercial/Instrument tickets. Any issues with the FSDO not liking the new syllabus/documentation? Trying to stick you with a ASEL instead of AMEL? Good gouge on what exactly to bring with (aside from the written test cert)? Thanks all.
  2. My rnltd was 15 Nov, got my pdd moved to 17 Sep and got here (CMB) on 20 Sep. There's been some moving and shaking on class dates with the advent of 2.5, I had volunteered to jump in a class starting 30 Nov that now doesn't exist because of a reduction in class size, so now I'm looking to start 27 Jan 22. Also, hey there @beef16 looks like we'll be classmates. Drop me a PM if you want my contact info or any of the local area Intel.
  3. @AOF I got mine in an email when I was bugging AFPC on the regular. Just got my assignment RIP but no training RIP yet, that's where I'd assume it will be.
  4. Ask and ye shall receive... used @beef16's method, called the css who got right back to me and assignment dropped this evening. Heading to Columbus NLT 15 Nov to start class 28 Jan although we are going to look at pushing the departure date to the left. See you guys there!
  5. Just got back from MFS yesterday, about as smooth a process as I could have hoped for. Can confirm all of the previous reports about the techs being great, they have their work down to a science. ONLY tricky part was finding the office to begin with if you're coming from lodging on the shuttle. Attached pic should help you avoid the wandering I did around the USAFSAM building. The rooms you are looking for are W103 (breakroom) and W105 (actual MFS cube-farm). We (group of 5 off of the AD board) started up about 0745 and were headed back to lodging by 1430. Started the day with weight, standing and sitting height, butt to knees etc which took about 2min per person. After a short spell in the break room, over to optometry for color vision and a couple eye scans. No puffs, no charts or depth perception, about 5 min per person. Another bit cooling our heels in the break room followed while we waited for the psych testing lady to get free. She brought us to the computer lab where we did four tests that took 30-45 mins a piece with a 5ish min break in between, and that was that. Had one guy in the group that had to hang back for eye dilation because of a prior issue, the rest of us were cleared off after a quick check to make sure there weren't any alibis. They told us we can expect our form 600 to be available Monday, I'll update this post with how that goes if anything is particularly difficult about that. It was really nice that we had the 'good to go' before we left for the day, the staff were happy to answer any/all questions we had about the whole process.
  6. Finally getting some traction... According to AFPC via email this 'could move left but is the best target right now'. Didn't think it would be this far away (I'm a Maj, old dude so expected to go soonest). Anyone else seeing progress yet? I'm curious if that's really the earliest available date. UPT Class 23-05, CSD 28 Jan 22 (No location given)
  7. Doesn't sound like it, they had to to the scheduling for those first but it doesn't sound like you need MFS complete to get your UPT assignment EDIT: For anyone who didn't get the email Mr Hornburg just sent out, they were trying to have all the assignments loaded this week but milpds is migrating (I'm assuming north for the summer) so new target is end of next week.
  8. Just emailed AFPC yesterday with the same question; they said assignments are being loaded now, should be flowing in the system NLT mid next week. Picture is fr the UFT board page on the rated assignments portal.
  9. Don't mind me... Just over on the vMPF trying to will that assignment notification into existence...
  10. Anyone had movement on RIPs/assignments or anything related to training timelines (other than MFS)?
  11. @URTHopeful2021 210-565-2542 should take you there, I left a few messages but didn't get a callback although that was right around release/ice storm time. Mr Hornburg does seem to get on the rated assignments portal fairly often and answered a couple of my questions there.
  12. Yup understood... I just found it curious that I got the RIP but no dates in CDB while others have the date loaded there but no RIP. AF standard amirite?
  13. @beef16 @Jdmuehle Where are you guys seeing it on the cdb? I don't have anything in the projected training section.
  14. Just got my MFS RIP, 8 Apr
  15. Happy public release day everyone. My boss asked me to wait until today before I posted: UPT select. 99 pilot 92 PCSM. 45 slots is a really thin year... Hope those of you who can nail it next time around.
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