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Everything posted by B747CSO

  1. You wouldn’t qualify for Rated Only slots. Those are for pilots who have gone through T-38’s, IFF, B-course, and are qualified in whatever airframe ie F-16’s. Best advice if you want to fly fighters is to keep grinding it out and perform at your best. Don’t worry about the drops just worry about tracking 38’s at this point.
  2. That checks with what my orders depict, since my T-1 start date would be November 2nd. Looks like the next actual stick time I'll get after the T-6 is going to be the 135. Should be interesting to say the least....
  3. I am heading to Laughlin in March, and my orders say T-1 Sims only. I was under the impression that Laughlin would be the last UPT base to get rid of their T-1's and go sims only. Can anyone confirm or deny?
  4. Did you ever hear anything? I interviewed with them last year. Really solid group and enjoyed spending time with them. Good luck! I remember the highest of highs and lowest of lows during the gauntlet of applying to units.
  5. Randomly got an email from the 130th RQS this morning that I wasn’t selected to interview. I submitted an application like 2 years ago now lol. Oh well, I’m content with my tanker slot. Headed to OTS in January!
  6. I wouldn’t expect to hear anything until next week at the earliest. Most units do minimum manning for the holidays so it’s probably been at the very back of their minds. Good luck, I was going to apply before I got picked up at another unit. I grew up in that area and would love to go back one day.
  7. Are you applying to only fighter units? It seems a bit peculiar that you have only had one interview with those credentials. I applied for three months, got two interviews, and was just selected after my second. All with scores lower than yours and considerably less hours with only a PPL. I would say that if you aren’t already, apply anywhere and everywhere if you really want this. For myself, I looked at it as a “beggars can’t be choosers” situation. Also, I think you need to take another look at your cover letter/resume/LOR’s. I would be happy to review and give advice if you are interested!
  8. Does anyone have experience with a Palace Front after being picked up with a UPT slot? I am currently 3.5 years into my 4 year active duty contract as an enlisted aircrew member and just got picked up to fly heavies at my local guard base. Since I am so close to finishing out my contract (April) I figured a Palace Front would be the best course of action. I have not heard much from my unit after getting selected but I want to get the ball rolling on this. They did say that they wanted to work with my current squadron to send me on a permissive TDY to Wright Patt for my FC1, but I want to get my ducks in a row so that I don't end up getting separated from Active Duty and have to re-start the enlistment process and go through MEPS again. Has anyone been in a similar situation?
  9. Active duty enlisted aircrew just got picked up for heavies in the guard UPT Board: October 17th Hired: October 19th FC1: ? OTS: ? UPT: ? My unit wants to send me to get my FC1 done as soon as possible. Hoping it’s a breeze since I currently hold an FC3
  10. Did anyone hear back from the 197th ARS in Arizona about interviews?
  11. Did anyone here apply to the 143d airlift squadron?
  12. Interview invites are out for the 155th ARW!
  13. Interview invites are out for the 180th AS in St Joseph.
  14. Congrats on the interview! I sent my application late because I had no idea they were hiring. Are you Civ? Prior? Heard rumors they tend to hire from within.
  15. Got confirmation of receipt for my 157th FS application last night. Didn’t hear anything about a meet and greet, the email just said interviewees would be notified early October.
  16. Did anyone apply to the 327th? Sent my application and a follow up email but haven’t received any confirmation yet.
  17. Just got the TBNT as well.
  18. Did anyone apply to the 328th ARS or the 129th RQW? I didn’t get a confirmation from the 328th and I submitted late to the 129th so I probably won’t be considered unfortunately..
  19. I am currently serving as an enlisted aircrew member, looking to make the jump to ANG/Reserve pilot. Here is my obligatory "what are my chances". 25 years old AFOQT: 92/65/39/57/26 PCSM: 83 (97 at 201 hours) PPL W/ 50 Flight hours B.S. Business (One semester left) GPA: 4.0 My AFOQT scores aren't the greatest but I'm a little hesitant to retake and do worse. I don't have a preference towards fighters or heavies, I will fly a box with wings if it sends me to UPT. Have about 1.5 years left on my active service commitment, but I figure its best to start applying now. Is it possible that since I am already an enlisted flyer and have been to SERE, that I might be better off since its one less school to send me to? I'm considering applying active as well but I would much rather get on with a unit as a part-timer and have more control over location.
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