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Everything posted by RPApilotSelectMSgt

  1. NDAA quotes it pretty hard that "they" don't want it, but...there is a congressman who flys it, whose also a guardsman. I still expect it to be gone.
  2. if you apply and get the RC-26 position, by the time you are done with school, those aircraft will no longer exist in the ANG. but at that point you can get picked up at another unit and continue to train in another Aircraft
  3. Hey, very likely hitting the 21-04 class with you also (RPA Candidate). The classes that were (are) on hold are mainly for AD. The Active Duty is over staffed and looking to shed people, so they are slow rolling some accessions.
  4. ANG is 100% processing AGE waivers.
  5. Do you love hearing the statement "it all depends". If your recruiter has all the proper paperwork settled when it hits Joint Force HQ of your state, it will get get checked over for accuracy there, any missing items will be figured out there. NGB gets 7 slots for FC1/2/3 at Wright Patterson per week. Once it hits NGB, it could be quick or slow depending on what state your from as there is an analyst assigned for certain regions, so all depends on how busy they already are.
  6. Any thoughts on the ANG? i know of a RPA unit looking for a already commissioned person to fill an RPA pilot slot.
  7. Nice, well hopefully you get what your looking for. have you already been selected for OTS?
  8. I looked it up also, UP7AA, it looks like its 12 weeks, should be an increased blending of Pilot/Sensor time. also by your namesake, are you shooting for AD or ANG/RES for RPA?
  9. No, i believe only Verbal and Quant scores.
  10. The Super Score started this summer. If you take it a second time it will take all your higher scores as the score, not the lastest test taken score. It will benefit all.
  11. the Air National Guard is fully involved and standing side by side the Army National Guard.
  12. Has anyone read the updated 48-123. I am a RPA pilot select, according the AFI I am only required a IFCIII and MFS (phycological). All IFCIII items can be processed as all FOMC and BOMC locations. I have completed all IFCIII requirements and they are packaging my stuff to send to Wright Patt for a 2808 to get signed. Wright Patts response is that the Regulation is wrong and RPA pilots need an IFCII and that everything will need to be done at location Wright-Patt. DAFMAN date 8 December 2020, so anyones educated thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Has anyone had to provide their LASIK documents from 8-9 years ago? I had surgery in 2012 and now am required a FCIII for RPA. I have already made one call, but it appears that the civilian clinic that i got it done with, has changed names...and my records are in their cold storage. Anyone familiar with needing to provide info for that far back and for an FCIII??
  14. Hey everyone, looking for guesses and educated answers on what the updated pipeline will look like with the implementation of RPA Pilot Next training.
  15. I would like some input from anyone currently going through the RPA pipeline and what the discussion is for RPA Next pilot training.
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