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  1. 183rd invites in Jackson are being sent out
  2. Someone posted in the BogiDope Facebook group they got picked up as a CSO so I’m assuming they’ve notified the people they selected
  3. Just got a call from them, sounds like they should be calling everyone this afternoon/evening.
  4. Hello all, I searched the PRK/LASIK thread and was unable to find an answer to this question as the reference I have is only 2 years old, but sorry if it has been asked before. I'm an Army guy and got LASIK in my right eye almost 5 years ago to get in standard for my Army flight physical. I am in the process of submitting applications to ANG/AFR units. I've seen the LASIK checklist with the required pre and post-op exams. I had post-op exams after I got my eye done, but the timeline was different the the Air Force's (if I remember it was 1, 2, and 3 months then I got the waiver, not 1, 3, 6, and 12 months). I can probably get a copy of all of the paperwork, but while doing more research I found the following article: https://www.travis.af.mil/News/Article/1571924/lasik-prk-waivers-not-required/ From what I understand from the article, as long as everything is normal and you are outside of the 12 month window following your procedure, you don't require a waiver. Can anybody who has gone through this process before confirm if that is correct? Thanks!
  5. There’s an excel sheet in the AFRC Pilot Opportunities Handbook that was updated fairly recently with POC info and the date of the last update. I’m not aware of a public one that exists for ANG units though.
  6. That’s awesome, congrats! Do you have any information about the process for the ANG side? All information and contacts I have are Reserves. I can PM you
  7. Hello all! Stoked to finally be here typing this and possibly start this process. Army Guard RLO looking at going the AFR route through the civil path to wings program. Was in new hire airline training last January when we got sent home from COVID. Volunteered for a CONUS deployment that I am about half way through to weather the storm. I've already been recalled and am now on mil leave, but looking to head back to my regional to knock out the ATP prior to transitioning to the AF. From hearing other's timelines, it sounds like that shouldn't be an issue. Age: 27 Clemson University: Management GPA: 3.33 AFOQT: P99/N90/AA81/V78/Q74 PCSM: 99 Commercial- helicopter/instrument ratings, SEL, MEL and instrument-airplane ratings Flight experience: 1,008 flight hours (will be in the neighborhood of 13-1400 this fall) Military: 605 (mix of CH-47 and UH-72) Civilian: 403 (mix of single engine and multi engine, planning on adding another 100 or so hours to this over the next 6-7 months) LORs Retired F16 O-5/UPS pilot O-4 Company Commander (for applications requiring commander LOR) CW5 CH-47 Instructor Pilot/Maintenance Test Pilot Civilian Flight Instructor (for the CPW application requiring CFI LOR) Currently serving as an OIC in charge of 2 aircraft and 15 personnel Waiting on the last letter to get back to me then planning to work with the Bogi Dope guys on my application and eventually interview prep assuming I am offered any opportunities to interview. Here's the catch: I'm a pretty tall dude (6'8"-6'9"), and definitely over the butt to knee length max for the T-6. From reading the waiver guide, it looks like being over that measurement is a non-waiverable condition and generally you'd be SOL. This is where the CPW caught my eye. Being able to bypass the T-6 (assuming I'm found qualified) and head straight to the T-1 should eliminate that issue I would think as you're not limited by an ejection seat. As far as I know this program is only available in the AFR. If anyone has heard it being available in the ANG, please let me know as that would drastically increase options for me. I've also heard of people saying you can sign some sort of release form with the T-6 saying you understand ejecting is not going to go well for you, but no idea if that is actually a thing or not. I know this will be a long road, but I had to jump through multiple hoops to make the Army thing work so I'm ready to take it on. Primarily interested in living in the Southeast, but planning on casting a wide net to see what responses I get. Happy to be here! TaleMedicore
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