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  1. No, just call Housing. I gave them a call at Columbus, and they said I could start looking off base because I'm a Capt. Only single LTs will be in the dorms (at Columbus. other bases may be different).
  2. Heard the same thing. I'm holding off on signing my training RIP til we hear back. Also found out I'll be heading to Columbus for the September UPT class
  3. Anyone else with a PPL show IFT as projected training in their CDB?
  4. No CDB update (still shows 3 Feb). The MFS POC called my cell and updated me, as well as sent an email, so I amended my DTS orders and adjusted the itinerary/booked new flights.
  5. After you sign the RIP, your UTM will send it up. Then you'll get an email from AETC saying your LOA has been preloaded into DTS. Then you can accomplish your DTS authorization. You should also get an email from the MFS POC with the instructions. I got mine 9 days from my scheduled physical. My MFS was just moved from this Thursday to next Monday due to the inclement weather rolling in.
  6. My eyes told me 100 😉
  7. 88 Pilot, 86 PCSM, PPL, O7 LoR, 8/157 Wg strat, non-rated (CE). I had an 82 PCSM and no PPL last UFT board and got CSO (#2) but declined it.
  8. On a positive note, I "speculate" there were over twice as many UPT selects as last year
  9. Yup! Thanks! Hope you get your desired slot as well
  10. Contact your MPF Flight Commander. They're usually a 1st Lt or Capt. They can pull it up
  11. The CGO-network goes a long way!... Hope good news comes to you all as it did for me!
  12. Just heard back from Mr H at AFPC. He said he briefed the AFPC/CC today and he certified the board results. Now he just needs approval for the PSDM from his bosses before releasing the results. Expecting next Tuesday or Wednesday for the release.
  13. Lots of speculating going on here, so I just sent a message to Mr. Hornburg to see if he could tell me when they anticipate the release. I'll message back here if he responds.
  14. Hopefully! I got the notice my TFCS waiver was approved 16 Nov. The email said to expect results from the board mid-Jan '22.
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