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  1. LOR was the administrative actions, no banging of anyone was the cause. Well wasn't expecting the notification of the FEB, had been told previously nobody was going to pursue one against me. I'm just looking for generalized information regarding an FEB don't want to provide all the details of my administrative actions. Well Moose, I am clueless in this regard. I'm just looking for any help or advice. I am sure once the official notice is given and the reasons are stated it will help answer some of my questions. I am seeking legal counsel and will be trying to fight this.
  2. Well looking at Chapter 8 in the 11-402, not sure how any of those 8.4 Reasons to Convene a Flying Evaluation Board would apply to me? As they all seem to state that I would have had to do something while flying, in training or preforming aircrew duties. Which I currently do not have any thing in my records that would match these reasons. No too sure? I guess my hunch is that because I had administrative actions taken against me, removed from my flying squadron and sent to a different squadron where I have not been allowed to fly for a year they are convening a FEB to figure out what to do with me? However, this entire time I have been asking to return to fly and/or retrain to a different air frame.
  3. Hey all, Facing an FEB in the USAF, my CC just notified me of it. I haven't been given the official reason or letter yet. I know that I don't want to voluntarily give up my wings and that this FEB isn't for a FTU fail to train issue. As I prepare myself for this I'm just searching out any advice or help from anyone that has gone through the process or is aware of what happens during an FEB. Anything is helpful as google hasn't really produced much in terms of results. Thank you!
  4. Hello all, I applied for the AD 2021 UFT board and got RPA. I was going for pilot, but was selected for URT. If I decline URT it will disqualify me from ever applying to UFT again due to my age waiver I received for the board. Does that mean if I declined and tried for a guard Upt slot that I would be disqualified as well? Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you!
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