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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. In years past they kind of only informed people who were close to getting an interview - or rushed. totally get the issues going cross country to rush, I wanted to go to the Vermont one then I looked at the costs of flights 😬
  2. Yeah was there a couple weeks ago, you?
  3. How did you know the people at those squadrons you got interviews at?
  4. Anyone hear back/get an invite from the 194th yet?
  5. Same and the application is just the same info that should have been in your packet anyways…
  6. Were you in upt through the ANG or Active Duty?
  7. Did manage to get a little feedback. Mostly about making the cover letter stand out more. But other than that my package was considered very competitive. Didn’t hear about stats other than there being ~200 applicants, most of which were competitive in some way or another. edit: this feedback was for the 119FS board, sorry should have clarified
  8. Good luck everyone who applied!
  9. I don’t know. I just saw the webpage said invites would be out no later than EOD today. So I expected an invite or to get ghosted lol
  10. Na no stats or anything were given
  11. I think 119FS invites are supposed to be out no later than EOD today according to their webpage. Anyone hear yes/no yet?
  12. Na no feedback yet, but I did ask so maybe we will hear something! just gotta keep applying. I just turned 29 though, so I feel the sense of urgency with so few boards for fighters the rest of the year.
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