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Everything posted by bs98

  1. @HuggyU2I looked forward to this and it didn't disappoint! Anything you wish would have made it in?
  2. Anyone got updates post-covid? Wondering if I should start shopping around for mess dress...
  3. It's enough to give a man hope! How long is/was that transition from heavy to T38 course, anyway?
  4. bs98


  5. yeah, some explanation of this from someone high up would be great. Somewhat unclear what this means for T1 students, if they're working a solution, etc.
  6. @elvis thanks for commenting. Do you think a lease would cut it or do they specifically want to see the name on the mortgage?
  7. I have some big questions about things I should do before leaving for the UPT training pipe as a reservist. I’m prior service, single no dependents. The big one is how BAH works at OTS and UPT for reservists. If I sign a lease now, will it be paid while I’m away and I’ll also receive on base housing? In my prior service as a reserves guy I remember people getting something like this I think.
  8. Might have posted before but couldn't find it. Anyway, an update is due: Prior service hired by a reserve unit: AFOQT/TBAS: 2021 then a retake in 2022. Rushed 5 different bases, approximately 9 different squadrons. Interview/ board with unit: March 2023 Hiring notification: March 2023 AFRC board: May 2024 FC1: June 2024 OTS: ? UPT: ? FTU: ?
  9. inter component transfer is never allowed? This would be a switch to AD after or during attending UPT as an AFRC hire. E.g. someone who got hired by a reserve unit and completes pilot training but wants to switch to AD for whatever reason
  10. @Oxcart reviving this thread to ask what you found regarding going from AFRC to AF AD? I asked a while back for someone who was hired by AFRC then wanted to switch to AD for a specific program unavailable in the guard/reserve.
  11. I would recommend pursuing AD/ANG/AFRC all simultaneously. For me, it was actually faster to get hired by a reserve unit since the AD recruiters couldn't get my paperwork right to save their lives. As for your goals and ideal air frames; I thought I saw the A-10's were going to the boneyard? Explore other mission sets that might interest you: gunships, OAK-1, CV-22, CSAR? If you find those missions to be in line with your interests, then you can go into AD with ideal airframes in helo, heavy, and fighters and not be too upset with whatever track you find yourself in.
  12. can you elaborate on project? I really like my civilian job as a paramedic, so anything useful I can do with the medical section (training with them, getting approved to run my squadron's medical training) would be a dream.
  13. Going to an airlift unit that has ample opportunity to go full time. I'd like to hear what a day or week in the life looks for an LT, specifically what happens when not flying.
  14. Anyone got gouge on reserve pilot timeline once the AFRC board approves and all the paperwork is approved? Wondering if a couple months is realistic or if it's more like a year...
  15. @brabusIn your experience how does that conversation go at the home unit when an LT says "I want to leave"? Assuming the individual is meeting/exceeding the standard and not shitbagging.
  16. deleted
  17. @tx_flyer are you able to regale us with any updates on your hunt for the B-2?
  18. https://www.edwards.af.mil/Units/USAFTPS/ Does anyone here have experience with the space test course? The website is pretty vague, and doesn't really explain who its targeted for or what its like beyond "college academics". It seeming to be a sister school to TPS makes me intrigued that it might be more hands-on than just college classes in the desert.
  19. Didn't mean to exclude you or anyone, but didn't want to bother too many. Thanks for the info! When a crew goes out for a few days and there's about an even split of O's and E's, how does that dynamic look, and how should it look? Where does the Air Force draw the line at fraternizing? e.g. hitting the bars together every weekend when tdy?
  20. @TreeA10 @HossHarris @joe1234 Another mentorship question for all you: I am coming from the Army, where our pilot LT's were leaders first and foremost, pilots when time allowed. Cultural stuff like that is one of the many reasons I switched branches, but what are the typical leadership expectations heavy units have for their new LT's? How about Captains?
  21. There's some good wisdom on here, and I cannot thank you folks enough for steering me on a good path thus far. Curious to know what you wish someone told you years ago. Whether it pertains to flying, Air Force, or life in general.
  22. @Burt do you know what is in store for you between OTS ending and UPT starting? i.e. coming off orders?
  23. @atomatoflamesawesome, that's what I had figured. I imagine its some combination of a formality/ check on the good ole boy system.
  24. right here with you my friend. I never contacted a reserve O recruiter until after I got the offer. The O recruiter sounded pretty unsure about the statistics / probability himself. All of my scores/ work experience are well above the AD average so I'm choosing to not worry too much. Not finishing my PPL unless this scholarship comes through to pay for it.
  25. Just checking in here, curious what has changed in the last 6 years when it comes to AFRC/ANG applying to TPS, and what makes a package competitive vs meeting the minimum stated on edwards' website (any degree, as long as it has 2 calculus courses, physics, and statistics).
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