While I don't discredit the importance of being vaccinated, there are countries with much higher vaccination rates than the U.S. (70+%) who are going through a COVID spike just as we are (Spain, Italy, UK, France, Israel, etc.). While 100% would be nice, we're not the only country in the world not able to get everyone vaccinated for whatever reason. These are countries without Biden and Trump. Countries who weren't in an election year last year. So at what percentage does the vaccinated crowd stop blaming the unvaccinated? 70... 80... 90? We're not going to get every last person vaccinated. Our goal was 70% by July and we still haven't made it there yet. China claims to have vaccinated 80+% of their major cities (Beijing, Wuhan, etc. and they're still starting to see upticks of Corona cases, although we may need to take their claims with a grain of salt.