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Everything posted by Rf15

  1. Hey, went dnif in 38s (FC2) and same question popped up. As far as I know it’s x amount of months from when you no longer had pain or needed treatment. FYSA I got a fully unrestricted ejection seat waiver while in UPT with a massive herniated disc..then I faiped. Good luck!
  2. Hey Ryder1587, here at vance still waiting DNIF from 38s. 3 more months, got an ablation done no surgery needed. would love to ask you some questions if you see this. Thanks!
  3. Hey dude, I’m currently on Med Hold with an L5-S1 degenerated disc and massive herniation. The pain got some bad I came forward to flight med and DNIFed myself. I was in 38s at Vance and am here just waiting to try to get back into an ejection seat. Who knows what will happen. TRUST me I understand what you are going through. I have done a ton of studying on these injuries and can help you understand better what is going on.
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