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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. Either UPT or IPT to T-6 completion then on to your heavy FTU. No more T-1 sims. B-52s go back and forth. Right now I believe they're back to fighter/Bomber track but we had a few guys in some T-1 classes as recently as 2023 that dropped BUFFs.
  2. I knew a few guys from previous YGs who took the bonus then went to UPT with me. Obviously this was a few years ago and things have changed but it might not be something that would stop you from getting released.
  3. Don't discount a random day of the week like Tuesday! Our results in 2022 were released on a Tuesday to CCs.
  4. I don't know where you're at but at least at Columbus and I'm sure the others are doing the same, we wore service dress to graduation that morning and mess dress to the dinner that evening.
  5. Unfortunately AFPC doesn't seem to release that information. Just what the AFOQT and PCSM scores averages of selects have.
  6. 43/69 of last year's selects for pilot were already rated aircrew.
  7. I'll be in your SOS class. DM me if you have questions about anything. I went from RPA to pilot a few boards ago.
  8. https://news.usni.org/2024/10/15/growler-crew-members-status-unknown-after-crash
  9. I'm literally just copying and pasting from the slides at the end of the night. I'm not going to fact check the FAIPs that put together units and aircraft.
  10. Rooting for you again, QUAG. DM on IG if you got questions but I know this isn't your first rodeo.
  11. CBM 25-01 F-35 UT ANG 2xT-6 Columbus 3xKC-135 Fairchild 2xT-38 Columbus 3xC-130 Dyess 2xF-35 TBD C-17 McChord 2xE-3 Tinker KC-135 PA ANG C-130 IL ANG C-130 OH ANG C-130 Little Rock KC-46 McGuire Looks like the AWACS is dropping again even though they keep sending their copilots to other airframes.
  12. PPL, IR, CPL single engine ratings all at a civilian school then they fly the T-6 for a little bit then on to the 38 or I guess direct FTU now. My neighbor back when I was in Columbus was doing it. Seems like a really interesting small group tryout.
  13. I don't know from AFSOC's side but they were some of the first to take T-6 direct studs. The original offers of T-6 direct were to Herks, 135s, C-146, and U-28s. Supposedly AFSOC said they don't want sim only guys but they were willing to take T-6 direct for their smaller aircraft. So who knows.
  14. The AMP upgrade was great. Brought it to modern standards and we could do LPVs. I loved it. That's what I asked about because that's what we were doing in Columbus but he said it was completely decertified for use. He said they could only use it back at Laughlin or del Rio international but other than that, not even day VMC. He said this is recent.
  15. Just heard from one of the guys in my squadron who was a T/6 FAIP. He said gps is completed decertified for RNAV approaches and can only be used for enroute nav. So now studs can't even do RNAVs except at home station yet they want them to have less flying time and go straight to the FTU.
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