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Everything posted by Arkbird

  1. All CBM 24-06: 2xT-6 FAIP C-17 Travis MC-130 Kirtland KC-135 MI ANG KC-46 SJ KC-46 McGuire C-130 Ramstein C-130 Little Rock U-28 Hurlburt C-130 CA ANG LC-130 NY ANG C-130 MN ANG 24-07: KC-135 Eielson C-130 Ramstein KC-46 Travis C-130 Little Rock 4xT-6 FAIP C-17 Dover C-17 Elmendorf AC-130 Hurlburt C-5 Westover 2xKC-135 MacDill KC-46 McConnell C-17 McChord F-16 Homestead F-15E SJ F-22 Langley F-16 Tulsa F-35 TBD B-52 Barksdale
  2. Let me know if you guys have questions. I'm leaving Columbus this summer.
  3. Probably the class start date assuming the course code is the one for the T-6. But your class date could change once you get to Columbus. They're a little backed up.
  4. Only pilot and RPA selects go to MFS.
  5. Are you RPA? You won't have to go again. Two years ago, people who did go went anywhere from March to May with UPT start dates ranging from June/July all the way into the following January.
  6. Basically, if you're a pilot or RPA select. You'll go to MFS unless you've already gone before. Your IFC should be stamped approved or stamped approved pending MFS. If it says the latter, you're going TDY to Wright Patt to get your eyes looked at.
  7. Ayyy I know who you are and you know who I am. We both have a mutual friend who has been tdy in Japan for the last several months. Hit me up if you have any questions about anything. I'm guessing you're in trans now on the new syllabus? I'm out at Altus right now but I'll be back in April.
  8. Probably email. I'd say just buy a CAC reader for your personal computer if you're concerned about it.
  9. I think the person who posted it messed up the link. It won't work yet. You're still within the 7 days to decline period so assignments won't even begin to get loaded until after that.
  10. 37th or 41st? Congrats on the dollar ride and good luck. I was in your shoes last year and thought the same thing. Well worth all the stress from just applying to everything thrown at you during upt.
  11. https://www.cae.com/defense-security/what-we-do/training-centres/usaf-initial-flight-training-ift/ Know the boldface before you get there. That's all you need to know before you arrive. I'm sure reddit and other places have good tips but you only need to know the boldface and ops limits.
  12. Same as previous years I'd imagine. You get 7 days from the official public release to email afpc to decline your selection.
  13. I don't think that's what they meant by diversifying the results. Scores also aren't everything. If you didn't get the results you hoped for, it means there were other areas of your package that you were beat out in. I know guys two years ago who weren't selected at all with scores similar to yours.
  14. Only the number 1 person gets additional points for the package from what I hear. After that it doesn't matter what your commander's ranking is. I was 3/3 squadron and 5/6 wing.
  15. You're correct. You can turn it down one time and still reapply. If you turn it down twice you can't. And if you turn it down and now need an age waiver to reapply, that makes it a little more difficult.
  16. Yup. And they send out an email to you kind of explaining what happens next and if you want to decline the position, to reply with that.
  17. Just being selected. I used the EFMP trick to find out where I was going after a couple weeks and then about a month and a half later I got my official assignment notification.
  18. Where are you at??? At Columbus, the average is 2-3 AD slots plus the Guard, Reserves, and international.
  19. I don't but I'll keep an eye open!
  20. Finished. At Altus for the next few months.
  21. Your commander will probably call you. I was tdy and literally working when my commander called me and gave me the good news (2 years ago, not now so don't freak out).
  22. I know admdelta personally and he's a good dude. He's going to be a star in whatever he goes to next just like he was in his prior career.
  23. I will for sure! I'm actually a mid level Capt so I'm a little late to the pilot party. Previously flew MQ-9s and blew up bad dudes but I'm glad to be in the cockpit supporting everyone. Dream come true. Almost didn't make it through. Had my share of 88 and 89 rides going through but here we are. Definitely going to try to do what's right. I know I'm not going to be some general so the least I can do is help others. The guys taking everyone out of Afghanistan during the pull out (sts) are what made me want to get to UPT so I'm just glad I got the opportunity.
  24. Thanks. This one was my drop. Feels good to finally get through and move on from here.
  25. KCBM 24-04. Drop included standard T-1 and T-38 class as well as first Fight Bomber Fundamentals class and direct from T-6 to FTU drops. F-16 Homestead FL RC-135 Offut 3xF-16 TBD B-52 Barksdale (T-1 Grad) EA-18 Whidbey Island F-22 Langley AFB KC-135 Birmingham ANG (Active duty TFI straight from T-6, skipping T-1) C-17 Jackson MS C-130H Peoria IL 2xF-35 TBD C-17 Memphis TN F-16 Tuscon AZ C-130J Little Rock (Direct from T-6, skipping T-1) F-16 Tulsa OK C-130J Charleston WV 2xT-6 FAIP Columbs KC-135 Fairchild AFB C-17 Martinsburg WV 2xF-15E Seymour Johnson A-10 Davis Monthan B-2 Whiteman C-17 Dover C-5 San Antonio TX U-28 Hurlburt Field (Direct from T-6, skipping T-1) MC-130 Kirtland
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