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Everything posted by Arkbird

  1. Any word on class dates? That's all I'm waiting for.
  2. Honestly, a simple name patch should work. Your base will order you one with the correct color combo when you arrive. As long as the one you get for IFT is in regs, you're good with whatever color you want.
  3. I'm toward the end of the line as well. I guess since I don't need MFS or IFT they could just give me an assignment and hopefully a class date soon. Nice! If that's what's showing for the EFMP trick then that's what's loaded for your assignment. Mine was showing that for a week before I got the email with my official assignment notification of Columbus. I guess I'll be seeing you out there!
  4. Got my assignment notification this morning. Heading to Columbus in September!
  5. Columbus was my #1 in my letter to the board.
  6. Guess I'll hope for a PDD and class date next week. I think vmpf is currently down so I'll check again later.
  7. Nice! I still haven't heard anything other than I'm going to Columbus. Can't even get to my CDB or AFPC Secure right now for some reason.
  8. How did you find out your start date? I haven't seen anything.
  9. Just to note. You don't have to have family who is EFMP to do the trick. You don't even need to have dependents. If you have an assignment loaded, the EFMP trick seems to work. If you don't have an assignment yet, then following the steps won't produce any results.
  10. - Log into vMPF and click under self-service actions - Click on Assignments (while in self-service) and go down to the EFMP section - In the new tab, click on the "apply to change/cancel assignment - If this doesn't kick back with "MILPDS doesn't reflect an assignment loaded, click on next and choose any of the options then next again. This next screen will tell you what unit and base you will be going to.
  11. Used the EFMP trick to find out I'm going to Columbus! @CoolCar I'll be seeing you out there at some point.
  12. Just saw this pop up in my CDB under Restrictions in the 1st Assign category: "ATTENDING TNG PCS STATUS OVER 20 WEEKS"
  13. I've heard rumors they've lengthened IFT for UPT selects. Not sure if it's true or not.
  14. Man I haven't seen any assignment notifications. Hoping to hear something soon.
  15. Capt XXXXX— The folks at USAFSAM indicated that you were good to go and would not need to attend MFS. If you attended MFS prior to URT at either USAFA or WPAFB, you do not need to attend again. Our schedulers are working on IFT and UPT dates this week and next week so you should see those training RIPs come down soon. v/r, AFPC/DP2OR Workflow Looks like I won't need to go to MFS.
  16. Yeahhh they probably won't let you guys go. It's a waste of their money since you guys have your PPL.
  17. Still no MFS dates for me. Who knows when they'll come.
  18. Yeah that's IFT
  19. I don't have anything on my CDB nor have I received a rip.
  20. Was your LOA from your squadron or is there one from Wright Patt that you use? Also kind of weird that they canxd it.
  21. I believe that link is of you haven't done your FCI otherwise the exams should resemble what is posted on the link. https://www.afrl.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Fact-Sheet-Display/Article/2336839/usafsam-fci-medical-flight-screening/
  22. It's all the same exams. You do everything that was posted in the link. Takes a full day but it's not terrible. I think I was mostly just hungry since I didn't bring lunch and didn't have breakfast last time I went.
  23. Did everyone have a FCI physical exam with a HQ AETC/SG certification stamp that states "pending successful completion of MFS"? Mine doesn't say that so I wonder if I have to go. I thought I did since I didn't do my FCI at Wright Patt but since my 2808 doesn't say that, I'm not sure. I also don't have anything in m CDB.
  24. Knew two people with pilot slots lose them at MFS. One due to bad eye sight the other due to a condition he had no idea he had. 20/15 vision too. Both went RPA instead. MFS is always going to make me nervous but I still don't have any dates for it.
  25. I don't have an MFS date yet (knock on wood lol) but my FCI also didn't say anything about being approved pending MFS. I hope I don't have to go but I probably will since the flight doc mentioned it when I was getting a waiver for my eyes being weird (not vision related).
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