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Everything posted by Arkbird

  1. Oh jeez. I just realized I'm already tdy until March. I hope they don't try to send me to MFS next month.
  2. No, you'll tdy from your current base. I think it actually says that in the PSDM release. But when I went to IFT, the people who cross flowed from other career fields took a tdy from the base they were at before their PCS.
  3. Which bases did you guys put as your preference for UPT? And are CSOs not going to IFT anymore?
  4. Weird part about the strats is that I was 5/6 for my wing and got picked up. I actually think most of the guys at my wing did get picked up which is a little strange but awesome. I'm guessing the board really liked my LoR and personal letter. Side note, I'm still sad about Randolph not being an option anymore but oh well.
  5. My 64 pilot score can definitely confirm it's not all numbers.
  6. Can confirm. My IP friend said they stopped it at Randolph because it was backing up PIT.
  7. Thanks! Just wanted to confirm. I have some T-6 IP friends at all the UPT bases except Randolph so I didn't know if they were still doing it or if they moved it to being strictly at the normal UPT bases.
  8. Anyone know if UPT 2.5 is still at Randolph?
  9. Vision isn't bad. It's pretty much the same as anywhere else except they also use a machine to take pictures of your eyes. They specifically look at your retina, optic nerve, and cornea I believe.
  10. It was fine. Just a lot of waiting and medical exams. I went in the winter so it was a snowy and cold. I already have two waivers approved pending completion of MFS. One for having weird eyes and one for childhood asthma which wasn't asthma.
  11. Sounds like we'll have to wait for the PSDM to get the true numbers. MFS wasn't terribly fun. I'm really not looking forward to going back.
  12. Seriously? That's a dirty move. That's the type of thing that makes people leave the Air Force.
  13. UPT select! 64 pilot, mid 50s everything else (don't remember the specifics), 80 PCSM, no PPL. Couldn't believe I got the call.
  14. 7 pilots, 1 CSO, 1 RPA select here so far. Congrats to all!
  15. Is this an AFPC only site or can we all see this?
  16. Then let's hope we get our first choice. Maybe we can be the break from previous boards on extremely high AFOQT scores. My PCSM score is also in the range of selection but without my pilot score being high, I'm not sure how competitive I am.
  17. Definitely a whole person concept type of selection. I don't have the highest AFOQT scores but I think my LOR is decent and my personal letter I think is really good.
  18. Sweet. I did mine this past summer so I can apply until 2025 when I'll probably just bounce if I don't get picked up for AD or guard.
  19. Aren't they only good for 3 years?
  20. I'll be tdy so I guess I'll just be checking mypers for the PSDM release.
  21. Sounds like us RPA guys are getting the short end of the stick with regard to the bonus but maybe that just means our career field is finally healthy. Either way, I hope we're all selected for our first choice.
  22. I understand that. I have a few more years left of eligibility but I'm already rated so if I don't get pilot, I'm staying where I'm at.
  23. I don't remember off-hand but like 60s. I took the AFOQT back in like 2014 when I was first applying for OTS. My PCSM is an 80 though so that and my LOR/personal letter are my only saving grace.
  24. Nice! I'm hoping I get picked up but I'm not super hopeful based on past info/scores/strats. Rooting for you @BANDIT_K. Hope the new unit is treating you well!
  25. Just hoping the results don't get delayed a month. I heard last year they took a long time to release.
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