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Everything posted by Dart_21

  1. Does anyone know where to order name tags for flight suits?
  2. The weird part is my formal training says there is nothing loaded in MILPDS for me… like I even got my PCS assignment notification to Vance but not training RIP for IFT… it’s strange
  3. According to AFPC I have a 17 March IFT start date but I haven’t received my RIP yet.
  4. I reached out to the AFPC org box and they stated that someone would crossorg me to the LOA that is associated with the MFS. Mine is scheduled for 10 Mar and I have yet to be crossorg’d. To reserve my flights and lodging, I made an authorization with my home unit LOA and will amend the the authorization with the correct LOA before I file my voucher. (Assuming they ever crossorg me lol)
  5. On the psdm it mentions that candidates will be notified by FSS and have 7 days to accept or decline. Has anyone been notified?
  6. I don’t think numbers ever guarantee you a spot lol. I had a 75 pcsm and got picked up. If you look at the FY22 stats the lowest select had a 17…How’s your whole airmen concept? Also, just because they had a lot of slots this year doesn’t mean they will have as many next year.
  7. UPT select! 91 pilot/75 pcsm/No ppl
  8. It would be nice if they could just give us a concrete date for when the release will come out so I could be at peace lol… “probably Wednesday” isn’t as comforting
  9. They can’t train pilots fast enough because the current facilities, planes and instructors aren’t enough. They are doing the most they can with what they have. No shortage of people wanting to be pilots. All we can hope is that since the total number of slots were down last year that they will make up for it this year!
  10. O-6 LOR min isn’t required… it’s just the feedback that my senior rater gave me before putting my package together
  11. I knew a person who had letter of rec from 3 star and a pcsm in the high 80s, a ppl and still didn’t get a pilot slot last year. I was under the impression that most people at a minimum had an O-6 endorsement… nevertheless, I hope we all have better odds this year haha
  12. I just checked the rated assignments page on the portal and there were no updates. Someone had also asked on 5 Jan if there were any updates on the release but they haven’t gotten a response back…Looking like it’s gonna be a long weekend
  13. My guess is probably next Friday. That’s in line with the timeline for last years notification.
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