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  1. They ended up giving me an original MFS date that didn’t work with short notice schedules/flights coming from overseas. I reached out to AFPC and requested some flexibility - they were really willing to work with scheduling to get things shifted around to accommodate life events, travel and leave en route within a couple days of the request. Not sure on the timeline for those who didn’t need to go through IFT. Based on the results and timeline from last year, I suspect you’d hit MFS in March/April, then wait for orders to shake down for your PCS late 2023. Pure speculation, but I can ask around our class and ask if there’s anything else to pass along for those circumventing IFT and if there’s any left shift to UPT RNLTD.
  2. Orders were dated 29 March 2022, MFS was beginning of March, IFT at the end of April to the end of May, PCS'd mid-October. The 4 months between end of IFT before the PCS from the losing unit were a little chaotic...fully expect productivity in your current AFSC to drop off to 0
  3. I was on the AD board last year and got a slot from the 2022 board - I think I heard around the 8th of Jan. Best of luck to you all! Let me know if you have any questions about the timeline or process. It moves pretty quick for current AD members
  4. I'm in the 21 April class, but the length of course on my RIP says 56 days. I'm not sure if there's flexibility for repeat rides and weather? I was confused too since the Ed & Trng site says only 5.5 weeks
  5. Nope. Still haven’t gotten anything other than the RIP yet…
  6. Since my DEROS isn't until next summer, I'm wondering how it'll be affected. Thanks for the insight, and I'll plan on reaching out next week if nothing is loaded by this weekend. I'll see you at Apr IFT!
  7. Has anyone with a DEROS received UPT dates or an assignment yet? I'm curious if I should anticipate it getting curtailed or if I'll have to wait until summer 2023 for a PCS...
  8. Bean, I was having issues with that last week, but I received wise advice to reach up to your Sq/Gp exec staff to request assistance. If the uniforms are something your unit agrees to provide, they can point you to the right person or resource. Through a few phone calls and favors, mine was able to point me to a flying squadron that had an extra supply which is another avenue you could try. Brings me to a uniform question: does anyone know what color each UPT base name patch is supposed to be? I was told from previous IFT classes that your assigned UPT base typically has an associated color for the name patch, which makes it easy to see who will be going to which UPT base at a glance during IFT; since I haven't gotten any indication of my UPT base, I'm tempted to make 3 different ones...
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