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Everything posted by ConfidentlyIncorrect

  1. 500M hog watcher is a crazy job offer. I'd be in for 1/4 of that as long as I never have to disclose what I do.
  2. staying after to help clean up would be bagging some huge points
  3. I personally would not recommend NM ANG for anyone just getting out of UPT/off the street. It's definitely more of a chill role but geared towards dudes that have been around already- much moreso than the other guard units. Most of the sorties there are canned due to the nature of being at a schoolhouse. You'll get much less actual mission experience. Also, you'll likely get less flight hours in general because they have a contingent of active-duty HC guys there that primarily run the schoolhouse. I've heard that the guys they get that are pretty fresh (i.e, off the street hires) they typically have to send to other units to get their seasoning done in a timely manner.
  4. Will surely miss him around here. Rest in peace, Matt.
  5. What are the chances they send heavy tracks to the T-44 in Corpus again? That program sounded pretty cool for the guys going to 130s.
  6. Preface this all by saying I'm relatively new to all of this so take everything I say with a grain of salt. Your scores are extremely competitive. I got hired in 2019 with a 69 PCSM (with 0 flight hours). Your packet as it stands should get you to interviews at most places, and that's where you'll stand out. I credit my hiring at my current ANG unit 95% to my interview. The big picture question they're usually asking, from what I've been told by the guys that ran my board, is if they can live and work with you for a deployment and you will impact the atmosphere positively, not negatively. There were a ton of questions specifically geared towards assessing your levels of blue falconry. 2. I didn't have much on my resume in terms of work experience, other than leadership positions in college athletics. Leadership experience in any capacity is looked upon favorably. If you want to make it a point to speak on why you stayed at your current job, do that. Trust in your packet and once you get another interview, have confidence in yourself and go into the interview truthfully; but also with a vision of who you want to be as an officer/aviator/member of the squadron and wing. If this is your goal, don't give up. Reapply to that original unit you rushed. Keep reapplying, show interest.
  7. Howdy. Not trying to derail any discussion in this thread but I figured this is the best place to go with my question. My understanding is that currently most of the airlines have a "no tattoos visible while in uniform" policy. I'm completely okay with wearing a long sleeve shirt for the rest of my career rather than trying to get these things removed at this point, but my question is: do tattoos (which would be visible in short sleeves) have any sort of impact on the hiring process at all? I don't have any on my hands, above the neckline, etc. I am good to go as far as AF standards.
  8. To be fair, I'd rather transfer that potential experience over to a mission ride where I can get aero, form, low level, instruments, etc. all in one 'free' sortie in the mission phase rather than slog through a final nav sortie where all I can do is approaches.
  9. My understanding is that end of the block flights for Trans and Nav are definitely possible (and relatively common) to PA as long as everything has been at/above MIF for a consistent trend, but studs that do PA end up using the 'extra' rides in their mission blocks for extra training
  10. Pilots are currently on a 35 flight hour syllabus which comes out to about a 4-6 week program depending on weather. Check ride at about 25 hours. Currently, there are 5 2-hour flights AFTER the checkride that must be completed before you can leave. These flights have little to no syllabus requirements right now, meaning you basically tell the IP what you'd like to polish up on during that flight. My understanding is that the syllabus was expanded during COVID due to the Air Force feeling like they were leaving flight hours on the table. Rumor is the Air Force is going to continue to increase the number of flight hours (up to 50) in the IFT pilot syllabus to front-load basic aviation training in the cheaper DA-20 rather than the more expensive T6. They'll likely be reworking the syllabus at some point as these 10 flight hours post-checkride feel relatively light in training value. I can't complain cause getting paid for more flight hours is not half bad, and there is little to no stress after the checkride is completed.
  11. PT test + PT hours requirement have been waived due to COVID. Not sure if/when they're coming back but they don't have any of those requirements right now. Mask mandate was lifted just last week, but probably a good idea to bring some masks just in case.
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