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  1. What about straight butt-stuff?
  2. Sorry to hear that, man. I was told in the phone interview that even if not selected we may not get a TBNT since they had so many applicants. So I think if you got one you may have been toward the top at least which means there's a strong case that with some more improvements to your packet you'd have a good shot at moving further next year/whenever their UPT apps open again.
  3. Anyone hear from Jacksonville yet? Packets were due April 15th, so I figure a month and a half would allow time to filter them out.
  4. Nothing here yet. I was just wondering if anyone heard anything.
  5. Just posting an update. I've been grinding away working and generating flight time. Got about 10 hours under my belt now with no intention of stopping. Hoping to accumulate 21+ to get me to an 85 PCSM by the Mako's deadline of June 6th. Went to visit Jacksonville in person early last month, saw them at their social this past weekend, and I'm hoping to get back there at least one more time soon to keep rushing. If I don't land an interview that's ok, I'll just come back next time with a stronger packet (or I'll get nabbed by AD; who knows?). They're by far my top choice. Anyways, hope you're all doing well!
  6. Anyone else here go to the JAX meet and greet? What did you think? I had a great time meeting the other candidates and some more of the pilots/their families. It made me want to join them even more than before. It feels like Christmas Eve waiting to hear back from them about an interview or not.
  7. Don't worry about your tone. It is the internet after all, @StoleIt. I had come here originally just to ask about my chances of getting a guard slot interview, as I had just taken the AFOQT and then learned about this website. However, I've found that it's just an enjoyable forum to talk to people. This being my subject of formal education, I wanted to chime in. I've seen that picture of how easy it is to hit the TOGA with your wrist, which is why I question its location in the first place. But you are most definitely correct in that it would cost a lot of money to change the location, and as with most things safety related, it can be dealt with pretty effectively with a little bit of training. I guess I may be a bit naïve, but I don't think the money matters if it saves lives in this situation. This type of thing isn't only possible in cargo aircraft holding a few pilots. It could happen in a commercial flight, too. As for the crew, its hard to say for me about how the pilots reacted. Screaming "lord take my soul" doesn't seem like quite the answer to me, though.
  8. Thank you. We were both students/student pilots. We do not have experience flying with the big boys yet, so a lot of the things that you would consider "obvious" for someone with more experience are not obvious to us. This was not a thesis to earn the degree, just a project in one of our last semester classes. I think this thread is a really cool way to dive deeper into this topic for me, as I am now working in a safety role, and seeing the different viewpoints of the subject is important. Especially views from other pilots that have flown in the aircraft. As for TOGA, I wouldn't say it needs to be harder to hit. It needs to be placed somewhere that it is *less likely* to be accidentally hit. However I am not an engineer so it's quite possible that it currently IS in that spot.
  9. Lots of discussion since yesterday! This is awesome! I'm going to attach the CAST Analysis I performed (With a partner. I can't take all of the credit. I have removed names and dates as well.) for my M.S. to this post. CAST is a Causal Analysis using Systems Theory. CAST is a newer way to look at accident investigations that is gaining in popularity that attempts to look in more depth at all of the components and how they work together. Disclaimer it's 30 pages long. @Vito as far as Boeing, I don't believe that the issues with the cockpit design are at the same level as the Max debacle. It is more of a "How can we improve the design?" rather than a "Boeing knew and decided not to do anything about it." Atlas Air 3591 CAST Analysis.pdf
  10. If we take out all of the other failures and only leave the one where he "sucked" then obviously there are no other reasons? I'm not saying he wasn't a bad pilot or that he has NO blame. I'm saying that there are many other entities and people at fault for letting the sucky pilot through. The mindset of "pilot error" being the main cause is a slippery slope and even when it is a contributing factor, we as an industry cannot accept that as a widely accepted scapegoat. I believe we're all on the same page with the fact that what he did by withholding information was wrong. However, where is this disdain toward whoever was in charge of putting him on the pilot watch program? Why didn't they have him go through the training again if there was a two week hiatus in his training before the exam and he had all of his home issues and the hurricane stress? His obvious lack of quality airmanship would have been caught then and there. These are all questions that I feel have answers that would be much more indicative to why this happened than focusing on the fact the pilot was sub-par.
  11. That article in particular really demonized the pilot, when I would personally say that the FAA, Atlas Air, and Boeing are more to blame. The fact that the FAA hasn't even come remotely close to finishing the PRIA mandated database should be a higher priority. Obviously the pilot shouldn't have decided not to disclose some information, but the blame lies more with the system (or lack thereof) to catch these situations before they occur. People in every industry will omit shortcomings in order to get a better job or get ahead, regardless of the morality of it and what the consequences of it could be. I guess my issue with this article lies in the tone and how it focuses so much on the pilot being incompetent, rather than all of the other pieces of what lead to the accident.
  12. Recently received my M.S. in Aviation Safety. My capstone project was on this flight and what went wrong. It's an incredibly shallow view to just label it as pilot error and be done with it. There were so many questionable things that happened here from the training of the pilot, the structure of Atlas Air, to the cockpit design itself.
  13. Any of y'all going to Jax Social on May 14th?
  14. I understand that sentiment, and I don't want to come off as arrogant or cocky or anything like that. But I am going to fly fighters. At this point in time I simply cannot envision myself doing anything else. Even considering an alternative feels wrong. I would rather gamble with the uncertainty of AD and bet on myself than have the certainty of something I KNOW I do not want.
  15. According to Bogidope, "Empirical evidence seems to indicate that a PCSM score of approximately 70 is now the highest achievable with no flying hours." https://bogidope.com/upt/the-pilot-candidate-selection-method-pcsm-score-explained-part-2/ This is what I am referencing. It was the only thing I have read. Where did you find out it was a 90?
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