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  1. I could be wrong but don’t think IP manning is an issue in the T-6 world. The issue is maintenance. Vance is still on the legacy syllabus and producing pilots without any delays while students at Columbus is experiencing a 6 months (and counting) delay between academics and flight line. If Columbus had a healthy T-6 fleet, the IPT SGTO class wouldn’t cause such a long delay for legacy students. This IPT thing is not going to produce more pilots every year unless the MX issue is fixed first, at least not at Columbus
  2. I mean that makes sense. But the point is they have already sent a lot more people out to civilian flight schools and these people will be back flying T-6 in a few months regardless whether the SGTO students can perform up to AF standards. Like are they going to stop the program and recall all those students at Arizona or Texas if 25 or 30% of the SGTO class get CR’ed? Absolutely not. And the reality is most students in the SGTO classes suck. They didn’t learn much airmanship at flight schools because all those CFIs are just trying to build time for the airlines instead of teaching. But we all know that these kids will get pushed through one way or another because we can’t go back to the generals and tell them they are stupid
  3. they have already sent three or four IPT classes of students to civilian flight schools. This seems to be official now. Not sure why they still need to confirm the idea works when it’s being fully implemented.
  4. Oh well…and not surprised at all. They care more about the next promotion than all the students who get loyally screwed. But how come 19th AF or AETC just turns a blind eye to this? I am sure they are seeing the live data of how terrible the production rate has been at Columbus. Yet nothing is being done after months.
  5. A third is a very optimistic statement. It’s been around 20 for many many weeks. A week or two ago, MX here at CBM produced less than 15 T-6s. And nothing has been done to fix the issue. Oh and for some reasons, AETC/19th AF thought it’s a good idea to do the IPT SGTO classes at CBM, the base with the worst MX issue. Now a ton of legacy T-6 students here have been waiting to hit the flight line because SGTO is the priority. Even legacy T-6 students who are on the flight line are now grounded so SGTO classes can fly and graduate “on time”. Morale has been extremely low among the students. CBM is just a complete dumpster fire at the moment and I wonder if AETC or 19th AF is even doing anything or actually knows what’s going on here.
  6. 19th AF must be high af when they picked CBM to do IPT try out. From what I gathered, T-6 flight line was already pretty backed up in the summer of 2024. And now a ton of students in the legacy T-6 classes are suffering from the long wait because of the IPT class and MX issues.
  7. Aren't the MX issues mainly due to a lack of parts needed? Not sure how changing the contractors will be fix the problem. Apparently the T-6 flight line is so delayed that they are now begging AD studs who have finished T-6 academics/sims to go XPW. What a wild time to be in Columbus. And now Not sure why they can't just move the guard and reserve heavies over to XPW.
  8. Are you an IP at Columbus? Heard the MX issues are ridiculously there now. Also studs from the last few legacy T-6 classes are getting screwed over because the IPT class is the priority for the flight line. People have been waiting for months for the flight line after finishing academics.
  9. Depends on when you have FC1 done and when the 340th is running the next in pro. I will post my timeline
  10. Thanks for sharing! Also a reserve hire here. Looks like you were able to get FC1 before being selected by the board. I was told that FC1 can only be scheduled after UFT board. Do you by chance know if that’s true?
  11. TBNT from VT with general feedback.
  12. Congrats! If possible, can I reach out to you to better understand the process of applying for ENJJPT without PPL? Thanks in advance!
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