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  1. We were told at Vance yesterday 25-01 is the last AMF-S class. Could be different elsewhere.
  2. T-1 officially dead today including AMF-S. XPW will remain for a short time at Vance and Columbus but is totally dead at Laughlin. All studs will go direct to FTU.
  3. Apparently the Air Force let the GPS go dead so they could push for an avionics upgrade. TBD how that is going though.
  4. I still see a few U28's here and there but the numbers are going down. I have not seen an AC the past year I've been at UPT. Still plenty of options to get into AFSOC though. I see C-146 all the time, and word on the street is that they're standing up a new squadron for those. I also see HC's all the time.
  5. Must be new. I don't think I did that when I went a few years ago.
  6. Heard something similar from a buddy who works in contracting. No confirmation though. Might move to an all "Direct FTU" situation.
  7. I have not seen it come back yet but there's only been a few other classes track since I did. I'd imagine it will but probably just with AFSOC. It seems like the other MAJCOMS aren't a fan. Probably never Guard/Reserve.
  8. Currently at UPT- Yes, I know a few people who have already done this. There was even a test run of a few studs who went to KC-135's and C-21's after skipping T-1's. It's mostly AFSOC that is taking advantage of this. They did it for about 6-8 classes in a row and have since paused the direct to FTU stuff.
  9. I've been at UPT for about the past year now and I haven't seen anyone get B-1's between T-1's and 38's. I'm not sure the Air Force is giving any out to new pilots. I have seen T-1 students go to the B-52 recently though.
  10. Vance 24-08 F16 AC130 Hurby C17 Charleston F16 C17 Charleston C17 Travis KC135 Kadena B52 Barksdale T-6 FAIP KC135 Fairchild F15 guard KC46 Travis KC135 Guard C17 Reserve C17 JBLM T-6 FAIP F22 RC135 Offut KC46 McConnell
  11. As many others have mentioned, visiting the same unit multiple times is what will really get you hired. Also if you can try to stay as local as possible that is something else units love to see. If you just want to fly consider rushing heavy units as they'll have a fraction of the applicants that fighter units get. Definitely nothing wrong with AD, just depends what your goals are and if you're willing to take any assignment. We're all just a little biased here.
  12. How long have you been rushing units for? Have you visited the same units multiple times? What's your end goal?
  13. Vance 24-06 F16 C17 JBLM A10 C130 Little Rock C130 MO guard Mc130 kirtland C17 Charleston T6 faip F35 C17 Travis T6 Faip C130 ramstein C17 Dover C17 Charleston C130 MN guard 135 Mildenhall U28 F16 135 kadena B-2 C130 CA guard T-6 faip F22
  14. Not looking for financial advise - just curious. I am a newly commissioned 2Lt so I have the option to take out the 2.99% 25K USAA career starter loan. I also have a HYSA which pays 4.6% interest. It seems like a no brainer to take out the loan and just leave it in my HYSA. Is this a crazy idea?
  15. There are reserve IP squadrons at all UPT bases. So I assume a Guard pilot could do that. Although I think they strongly prefer pilots who had previous instructor time.
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