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  1. Throwing my timeline out there for y’all. Guard: non-prior/off the street AFOQT/TBAS: Mar 2018 Board: Aug 2022 Hired: Aug 2022 MEPS: Sept 2022 Enlistment: Oct 2022 FC1 Date Received: Feb 2023 FC1: Mar 2023 FC1 Approved: Apr 2023 NGB Packet Submitted: Apr 2023 NGB Packet Returned: Aug 2023 NGB Packet Resubmitted: Sept 2023 NGB Packet Approved: Oct 2023 OTS Orders Received: OTS: UPT Orders Received: UPT:
  2. Copy all! Thanks for the insight and speedy response!!
  3. Hey y’all, I’m in an incredibly privileged situation where I have been picked up by my #1 Guard Squadron and have a class date with an airline that I feel confident in spending the rest of my career at. And the two seem to be complimentary if I can’t get full time orders eventually. I understand that people in the past have been hired at an airline, gone through UPT and seasoning and ended up back at their airline with better seniority. I’m worried about how going through the UPT pipeline will affect my standing at the airline. I’m wondering if I am unfairly taking advantage of them as I will have to leave a year after getting hired to go join the guard (I don’t have dates yet). I understand the USERRA protections but I don’t know if that applies to non-prior service people in the process of commissioning and I’m concerned that I’ll violate some new hire “probationary period” at the airline (I don’t yet know if one exists). I definitely don’t want to bite the hand that feeds me but at the end of the day I can just stick it out at my current job until UPT because the guard is my #1 priority/motivation. Should I even go through with ground school? Is this something I should bring up with the hiring department? Has anyone been in/seen this situation?
  4. No worries! I didn’t know that Wing just had a hiring board, their mission is awesome!! Good luck to you as well!
  5. Are you referring to the 109th Airlift Squadron or 109th Airlift Wing?
  6. Has anyone heard back from the 109th AS? I thought I’d ask around before bugging their POC.
  7. I’m in the same boat, any info would be awesome!
  8. They went out last week. The POC noted that if anybody from the initial invite group can’t make it, they’d like to fill that spot with someone who wasn’t invited. So I think there’s still some hope for those still looking for an invite.
  9. Has anyone received any info from the 176th/168th?
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