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  1. Does anyone know how far back this system is able to see medical records/prescriptions? Spoke with a recruiter claiming it can see anything up to 7 years ago. Can anyone confirm or have different info? I had a few prescriptions when I was in late teens early 20s (33 now) so I don't imagine they would show up. Not that anything in my med history would be damning, it would just require the headache of paperwork that i would like to avoid if possible.
  2. Hey - I am also in a more or less similar boat. However, I am currently a FO at a regional airline. I am 33 years old (knowing full well I need a waiver right off the bat) currently studying for the AFOQT and looking to apply to Guard units as well. I do think that to a certain extent, civilian flight time and credentials will help in separating you from another candidate in the case for heavies/transport, especially assuming you have some PIC time. But this is pure conjecture. With regard to fast-movers, (which I am also chasing), this may very well work for or against individuals like us. The truth is I'm still in the process of learning about that too. I am also taking this angle to a degree as far as the pilot retention issue is concerned, but more so that I have experience as an aviator, and that my age, in a way, is an advantage since I have more life experience and am a serious since I'm 33 and still want to fly fighters. What I hope can be made clear is that, if given this opportunity (a UPT slot for fighters), folks like you and me will literally drop everything to make it happen (in the very least I can speak for myself here).
  3. Hey Tiger, thanks for the input. I would fly heavies, but I'll put it this way: For the rest of my flying career there is a good chance I'll be flying heavy aircraft anyway (for a great paycheck, which is not a negative obviously!). I'm just looking for something that I know will be fulfilling to me - Fighters has always been the dream (and 5+ years ago I didn't know being a pilot at all was possible for me), and I know that I'd get a lot more out of a challenging 60 minute BFM flight as opposed to 4 legs in a day with lots of AP usage (I hand-fly as much as I am operationally authorized to 🙂 ). This is not to say that I wouldn't go the heavy/transport route - I really could see myself going the C-130 route and actually, I have always had a desire to do firefighting. Presently, the 192nd Airlift in Reno(they operate firefighting missions) is accepting applications. I plan to apply there in the very least. Suffice it to say, I have a real passion for the "seat of the pants" type flying and just know that if I have the chance to serve my country in some form or fashion similar to it, I would find that to be the ultimate job satisfaction. As for age, I understand fighters are a young man's sport, but to me age is truly a number and I'm not going to let it deter me (at least not now!). I really do understand what I am up against with my age and needing a waiver right off the bat. I know that basically, if I am going to have any chance, I have to make myself the best candidate and also convince the board that waivering me will be worth their time and efforts. Not feeling discouraged - really appreciate the input. Eggs are gonna go in this basket for now because I'm a stubborn SOB, but at the very least, I have to be able to say I tried! Thanks for sharing your experience so far, and good luck to you as well!
  4. Hey all, newbie to the forum (wish I knew about it sooner!). Been reading around a fair bit and have found some super helpful information. That said, I'll get to it but first here's the story: I have a bit of an eclectic backstory. Compared to some, I could be considered a late bloomer. After graduating high school, I was offered a music scholarship for college (after a brief attempt to tryout hockey as a career). Went to school for about 9 months, but absolutely was not ready to be there. I worked for the better part of my early 20's in music retail, as a gigging musician and music teacher. Went back to school for music around the age of 24. Again, my heart wasn't in it - so I left music school. I decided to shift my focus away from music as a vocation to professional medicine and returned to school full time. I had really good grades but soon began to realize that doing medicine wasn't for me either. *Record stop sound effect* Rewind: I was (and still am) a very typical boy obsessed with aviation my whole life. Fast forward: I have a close friend who told me all I do is talk planes blah blah etc...he said he'd pay for a discovery flight if it would help me make a decision. I already knew the answer to that - I transferred to a university with a 141 program and literally every door opened and the rest is history. Initially, I wanted fighters (and still do). I graduated in May 2020 so as I was prepping for the AFOQT etc, COVID more or less threw a wrench into the mix. I ended up going the airline route as I wanted to secure a job moving forward since the airlines started hiring again in droves. Airlines are great y'all, don't get me wrong, but I'm not sure if it will be the most fulfilling thing for me to do only that for the rest of my flying career. I lose sleep at night thinking about this stuff, ok? I'm 33 as of April currently flying for a regional airline, so as for flying qualifications are concerned (ATP - CL-65 type rating, AMEL, INST, CFI, CFII, former check instructor at Part 141 flight school) I have some under my belt. Graduated from a university with a B.S. in Aerospace (more of an aviation operations degree) with a 3.64 GPA. I have a few solid LORs from a retired ANG Lt. Col. and my former Aerodynamics and Aircraft Performance teacher from school (who was a flight test engineer back in the day). I am currently studying for the AFOQT again and taking the steps towards making a competitive packet. Not to sound conceited, I stay in the best shape I can as well (former semi serious hockey player, always been an athletic dude) and think I could meet the physical demands of this type of flying. Additionally, I'm a pretty socially outgoing person, no one is a stranger and in general, I am able (for the most part) to get along with most folks. I feel as though in a way, my age and life experience make me a stronger candidate, but what do I know? Let's say hypothetically on paper, scores are good, cover letter, resume etc. all are solid - knowing that I would have to get waivers/ETP, is it possible, or am I dreaming? Edit: I would also like to clarify that I plan to go the ANG/AFRES route and not AD. Any input is appreciated, thanks.
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