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  1. Sometimes looking at these threads can be discouraging. It seems like nearly everyones scores are 90+ across the board, stellar GPAs, etc... Well heres some hope from an average joe who was just picked up by a heavy unit... Here is my AFOQT Super Score P:82 CSO: 61 ABM:63 ACAD: 31 Verb: 51 Quant: 20 PCSM:85 My point here is that its possible, even if your scores aren't amazing, you may just have to work a little bit harder. You NEED to network with someone at the squadron you want to attend, preferably someone within the hiring process or that has a good relationship with someone in the process. You will likely never get selected for an interview with potentially hundreds of applicants when you have scores like mine. They need to be able to put a face to the name. I applied to 5 units, got TBNT from 3 that i knew no one at and 2 interviews at the others because i did. Securing the interview is the most difficult part of this process, once you get that then its just up to you being yourself. If you're introverted like me, push yourself to talk to folks during the socials even if its intimidating or draining. People love to talk about themselves just keep asking questions, even if you already know the answers.
  2. Got hired by a reserve unit, can anyone shed some light on the AFRC board that comes after hiring? Is it mostly a formality or is getting denied a real possibility? Should I continue to interview with guard units?
  3. So I've done 2 social events/interviews so far. Based on this small sample size, bringing a bottle is a nice thing to do but they could both generally care less if you brought one or not. I fall in the "it cant hurt" to bring one category but a few of us brought one to the last interview and they went out of their way to say that it's not going to factor in at all if we're going to hire someone or not. I think you may get the best value out of this if you were to rush the squadron solo and not when you are with a bunch of other interviewees. When they get 6-9 bottles all at once, it doesn't really matter at that point, with that said you will feel dumb if everyone brings one besides you.
  4. Yea mq-9 ad to mq-9 guard, thanks for the reply
  5. Plan to claim ptsd on my va claim when i separate but trying to go guard. I know you can have a disability rating and be in the guard but how do you know which ratings would be disqualifying. None of them impact my ability to do my job. The guard unit is concerned with me being disqualified/needing a waiver planned to claim: ptsd knee lower back edit: mq-9 guy with no plans of flying outside of the air force
  6. If you get invited for an interview is it really necessary to bring a bottle for the bar? How do you present it to them when you’re with a group of other interviewees in a way thats not awkward? maybe I’m overthinking this haha
  7. Got a call from the chief pilot today but missed the call, assuming to schedule an interview or tell me no thanks, hopes not lost my friend.
  8. Much harder to get released from rpa, first hand experience.
  9. No it wasn't, it was on the NYANG job board for like a couple weeks, i just happened to check that day for some reason.
  10. Anyone hear anything from NYANG 109AW? deadline was mid august, still haven't heard anything.
  11. Got a no from the 119th yesterday around 6 eastern so you should get something one way or the other
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