Not sure what you're looking for specifically but I can hopefully shed some light.
Elephant in the room is maintenance. It's bad but it's not the death spiral that it's sometimes made out to be. The major malfunction is parts availability. Big AF decided the C-5 was due for retirement and shut down our whole supply chain. Then they decided they need the C-5 until there's a replacement, so we're still flying despite a practically non-existent supply chain. The jet itself is really a slightly-below-average MAF asset in terms of how often it breaks, its the timeline to fix it that's the killer for us.
Like everywhere else in the MAF, flying hours and TDY rates are highly variable based on a number of factors. If you're not chained to a desk you'd be able to expect 1 ~30 hour mission per month. Add some sims and locals on top of that. When it gets busy you'll see more than that, when it's less busy you may see less. Add in all other factors like upgrade, leave, etc. and you get the variability.
The jet and the community are excellent. The O-4+ types still in FRED have passed some level of bro-check to be in the community that late in their career. The airplane is super unique and presents unique challenges. I promise you won't work as hard to f--ing taxi any other airplane as long as you live.
Hit me with any other questions, happy to answer.