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Posts posted by Seven_Oh

  1. I was fortunate enough to be hired by a reserve tanker unit a few months ago coming off of AD. The interview was relaxed and professional, and everyone there was nice and welcoming. The board was made up of 5 pilots and 2 boom operators. They went around the table each asking one question. I couldn't remember all of the questions but here are some of what they asked:

    - How will you adapt to having to move, finding a civilian job, and your commitments to this unit in a relatively short period of time?

    - How would you handle working with both officer and enlisted aircrew?

    - What would you do if you are not hired at this unit?

    - Would you be willing to do AGR time? What if that AGR timeline affected your next civilian job?

    - Where do you plan on living?

    - What value would you bring to the unit?

    Then they invited everyone who interviewed in person out to lunch. It was informal, had a great time with everyone. They also invited us to a squadron vs squadron softball game the next day. I was the only applicant to show up to the game. I happened to meet the Sq/CC there and had some small talk with him. Really enjoyed everything, very happy to be joining the unit.

    Also, thanks to all those who contribute here. I went through many pages of posts before going to my interview and it definitely helped.

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