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Everything posted by NoFlyZone

  1. I guess its kinda already been brought up but will studs be formally competing during IPT? If so how will the AF be able to quality control the grading? Seems like regardless the UPT T-6 syllabus will become even more important to assess studs even though its being condensed...
  2. Yeah I figured what you guys are saying is what would happen. Really sucks for anyone dropping heavies from 38s but obviously its not the first time and it definitely won't be the last. Funny to me that they say they need everybody going into 38s to go to a fighter but then they pull this BS... typical
  3. Just talked to a buddy who is casual at Laughlin who told me that any T38 grad going to a fighter will do a year in a heavy before going to the b course in an effort to reduce the FTU backup. Thoughts?
  4. Thread revival! Saw this article and figured that if this concept is still being talked about by the CSAF there may be something to it… let me know what you think https://theaviationist.com/2024/08/19/light-fighter-concept-ngad/
  5. Does anybody here know what the OA-1s role would look like in a future near-peer conflict? I can’t imagine it will have a super big one in that case
  6. Thats fair. I'm not really pressed about it, I was just wondering if you guys had any thoughts since it seems a little weird for it to happen two drops in a row.
  7. I'm seeing buffs dropping from T-1s in the last few drops. Do you think this is a new normal or just special circumstances/a weird coincidence?
  8. They post a lot of drops on YouTube that do not get written in here. I've seen a lot of ENJJPT and Columbus on there but you can see some Vance and Laughlin as well.
  9. KSPS 23-05: Saw the drop-night video on youtube so I thought I'd relay the final list here. US: F-35 Luke x3 B-52 Barksdale F-16 TBD x5 T-6 FAIP Sheppard (No follow on mentioned) T-38 FAIP Sheppard (No follow on mentioned) International: Eurofighter TBD x2 CF-18 TBD x2 F-18M Madrid x2 F-18M Zaragoza x2 C-130 Eindhoven
  10. Great info guys, thanks!
  11. Good point
  12. Great info, thanks!
  13. Thank you gentleman! I'm currently a USAFA cadet, and have been hearing mixed things from opposite ends of the spectrum (gold bars here on casual and Lt Col's teaching me in my courses). I didn't think it made sense for people to cross-train on different airframes for little to no reason (and I personally would not want to if I'm lucky enough to pull a pilot slot out of here). As far as my lack of finding other threads answering the same question - that's on me and my poor researching skills. Thanks again!
  14. Thank you! Don’t know why I couldn’t find this
  15. Hey everyone. I’ve looked everywhere online and done multiple searches on this forum to find the answer to this question but haven’t been able to find anything concrete. Do pilots commonly switch aircraft within their types (cargo, tankers, afsoc aircraft, fighters) or do they stay on the same airframe for their entire career? For example, do C17 pilots commonly switch to the C5 or C130 in their career or do they stay with the C17? Thanks in advance!
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