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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Seems like PPL is a big game changer, might have to make that investment
  2. Congrats man!!
  3. I put all 4. Thought I would at least get something, but unfortunately no. Scores were decent, but no ppl and have only been in the AF for 1 year. Just gonna prep myself for next year
  4. My commander reached out to the CAG and they said my name wasn’t on the PSDM
  5. Unfortunately I didn’t get selected, but I guess there’s always next year. Good luck to everyone!! Hoping you all get slots
  6. Man hearing that there may only be 40 slots makes me more nervous then I already was lol But at the same time, hopefully they are just rumors and no one really knows
  7. It’s a little nerve racking applying as a 2d Lt with only 1 year in the military because I don’t have that level of leadership experience others may have in their package. I feel confident in my package, but its only based on 1 years work. Hoping my letter of Rec and personal letter save the day lol
  8. I got 94 AFOQT and 94 PCSM, but not ppl (hoping for the best with it being my first board). Having that ppl with good scores increases your chance a good deal. At least that’s what the stats show.
  9. I heard the amount of slots were gonna be pretty similar to last year, but I guess you never really know. First time applicant here and just hoping for the best. Pretty crazy to think about how our futures will be decided this well lol
  10. Just came across this chat Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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