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  1. I agree to the cool mission, saving lives is something personally I would be willing to go into harms way for. I have been interested in this mission for years since finding old clips of the Nat Geo documentary on the 38th RQS in Kandahar, Afghanistan on the show "Inside Combat Rescue" and subsequent research after. I don't know how to join two quotes^ my apologies. In all honesty the lack of hellfire and CAS in the USAF helo world is A-OK with me. Personally CSAR with the HH-60s would be my top choice for helos now learning about the issue with the Osprey mission set, but again I would be happy flying anything. Now an apology for the lack of research, but If I am correct, the USAF flies the Cv-22, HH-60, UH-1N, and the MH-139 for helos.. where UH-1s, and the MH-139 specialize in training, nuclear missile field protection, and VIP transport. Are there any other helicopters that I am missing, or any other mission sets I am missing.
  2. FWIW, I am a college senior not even in the pipeline, so right now it's all a dream. I am interested in any mission, I want to serve my country as a pilot. That said, I would say the two missions that really, really, interest me are Close Air Support, and CSAR. However, missions like OCA, DCA, Airdrop, Air Assault, Air Refueling (NKAWTG!), etc, they are all interesting to me. I am not going to be heartbroken doing any of them, I just want to serve my country as a pilot...cliche I know, but I'm being honest here. I am not against serving in the other branches of the military either, if the USAF, be-it AD/AFR/ANG doesn't work out.
  3. Thanks for the advice! Honestly any piece of information regarding the pilot career field I value as I am still trying to get into the pipeline (college senior FWIW). I was fortunate to see 2 USMC Ospreys conduct a flyover for a local event. Saw them practice right over my house as we are in the flight path for the flyover, then got to see them startup and takeoff, then recover and shutdown at our local airport, where they were staging. It was pretty epic and definitely sparked the interest in the aircraft, seeing them do their run up within 200-300 feet from me and the sound of the rotors basically going through me. So not necessarily the most interested in that specific mission set, but there is definitely an interest there.
  4. Wow, thank you both! I honestly did not take into account how the crashes would effect the community as far as flight time and overall health of the community. I guess here's another question, are there senior (like a first tour pilot) Osprey pilots being forced out of the community, or electing to attempt to leave the community for another due to the uncertainty of the future and the current situation?
  5. Hello all, This is more of a "curiosity killed the cat" post, and a post that may have been answered somewhere I cannot find on this forum, so my apologies in advance for the weak searching capabilities. Cutting to the chase, how does CV-22 Osprey assignments happen out of pilot training. I have read that dropping the Osprey only occurs out of the newer HTN training pipeline, but I have also read that you can drop the Osprey from the T-38 and the T-1 through the typical T-6 UPT. Could a UPT grad for example, drop the Osprey from say the T-1 track? I look forward to reading any and all information given, -Random
  6. Thank You Guys! I was looking at it as A.) Being a way to serve "immediately" after college graduation ( I know their is a training pipeline etc.) and B.) Being a way to do something really cool to improve my chances at a guard/reserve slot ( Heavies, Helos, Fighters, Etc.). The information and advice is very helpful!
  7. Hello to all. First off thanks to all of those on here who share a plethora of helpful information, it's truly helpful to someone on the outside of this community looking for a way into it. Before I ask this question, I have used the search function, google, and a bunch of other resources and still can't find this answer.... Is it possible for someone to become an RPA pilot in the ANG/AFR and then apply to an ANG/AFR unit in hopes of getting a pilot slot after serving time in an RPA unit? (I believe from this forum the minimum is 2.5 year commitment). I can't find any info what so ever so any helpful answers are sincerely appreciated. -RANDOMDUDE
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