Yeah I know that. I was replying to the guy that said he hasn't heard of anybody getting a B-1 from T-1 or T-38 in the last year. He also said the air force isn't giving any to new pilots and didn't specify base/upt program.
A lot got to the F-15E because it's similar: two engines, two cockpits, 4th gen, similar/overlapping missions and tactics, and the familiarity with F-15E WSOs (who can also fly in the Growler before/after flying in the Strike Eagle)
Are you sure it doesn't say "NET" 4 weeks? (NET = No earlier than)
Also right now TTS isn't sending LOAs until about 1-2 weeks out. You should receive an email from Doss about reporting instructions any day now. Might be worth reaching out at this point
Anybody know how it works to get their dates pushed to the right? I've received UPT RIPs and vmpf notification, but we're expecting a child around the time I'm supposed to PCS and class up. I told AFPC a month ago and my commander is looking into it but so far it's all fallen on deaf ears
Only guessing but that might be water survival. Pretty sure it's a pre-req for flying at Pensacola. If they're still doing it at the pool in Spokane it's a good time
"Back in my day" they sent us to IFT then SERE/Water Survival back to back before starting UCT.
Yeah I saw that email too. For the life of me I can not remember if I already did MFS there or not though lol. I don't think I did. Pretty sure I went to the local AFB near my home that could do it for CSO. I know I've been to Wright-Patt for the centrifuge so I'm confusing that TDY with MFS in my memory. Where can I check to confirm?