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  1. Don't give me that false hope, lol
  2. Man, can't tell you how nice it is to hear all of that. I'm sort of in the opposite position of you; I'm on a platform with a bad maintenance record and honestly just want a break from flying (primarily to have a more stable home life). I know "the grass is always greener...," but I'm hoping RPA will be a good fit for my family and I for the last part of my career. Praying we both get the job we're hoping for!
  3. Haha, ok, as someone who applied for RPA that's good to hear. I know not everyone loves RPA, or any job for that matter, but it's good to hear you like yours. And I'm right there with you; Chief of Flight Safety and checking this forum and all of the AF pages 10 times a day for info; the wait sucks.
  4. Is the wait what sucks? Or the job itself?
  5. I did. I've been in for 13 years and don't intend on staying another 12+ for the pilot track.
  6. Merry Christmas everyone! If anyone wants to drop the list as a Christmas gift, I wouldn't be upset πŸ˜‰πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²
  7. Dang, it WAS out of my head until I saw your comment! Lol, jk. Merry Christmas to you and everyone else as well.
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