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Everything posted by flyguyinthesky

  1. Update on general UCT drop trends: RC-135 is still popular as ever, there’s been a generous number of strike eagles, AC-130J’s seem like they’re in full swing, and Growlers are totally off the table now so the only “WSO” platforms now are F-15E, B-1, and B-52, although new classes don’t have traditional tracks anymore.
  2. As far as I know there aren’t any Navs going out right now, but I know RC-135 slots are a little weird since you get further assigned once you’re at the FTU so I’m not an expert.
  3. If anybody has questions about UCT just hit me up, I got picked up on last years board and am in the pipeline right now! Can give you a solid lowdown of the different airframes and opportunities, there’s some really cool stuff you can do.
  4. If anyone has questions about CSO stuff and UCT, airframes, etc, hit me up. Got picked up last year and just started training so I can get you some up to date info on what training and potential airframes are (always changing it seems)
  5. Small update in UCT info: Track system is no more, looks like new classes can drop any airframe with no EWO/WSO/SO tracking necessary. New ACJ FTU is being stood up so those should be dropping again in the near future. Tons of RC-135 and C-130 drops recently, but still plenty of WSO’s. OA-1K is alive and in the near future for CSO’s.
  6. I can speak for people who are here on casual, people are definitely getting class dates in 2025.
  7. Yep, RNLTD mid-April here! Haven’t received anything other than the assignment RIP so we’re in the same position. Just working on getting out of dodge as quick as I can haha.
  8. Bump. Anyone have SA on recent drops?
  9. @Wx2Flt I’m getting the same thing when I click any of the links on the page, not just the stats edit: I also checked the mil book page and stats aren’t on there either.
  10. This is a total spitball question just because I’m curious, but what hypothetical pathways exist to eventually get in a B-21? Current B-2 pilots? B-52 WSO’s? I have no idea and I don’t know if anyone on here does, just thought I’d throw it out there.
  11. Anybody know what the decline window looks like now that the release is pushed back so much?
  12. Hard to focus on something someone else gives you! Obviously you can do certain things to improve odds but kinda sucks if you just happen to be competing against some rockstars.
  13. No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!
  14. F. Is myFSS secure what the CC’s get notified through?
  15. Pretty much identical situation as you, interested to hear responses!
  16. How does this jive with T-38 allocations? Like if there are some guard guys who “make fighter grades” but then the cadre get told there’s no T-38 openings, what happens?
  17. That’s actually really helpful info, hadn’t heard about Buffs moving to T-1’s!
  18. Sweet! I’ll hit you up for a rec letter!
  19. You’re right, they are really competitive. Unlike the AD board they rely a lot on your personality and how you’d fit in the unit, so it requires a lot of face time with the pilots to get a shot. Which makes it kinda difficult for us AD guys to get since we’re off who knows where doing our job and can’t always take leave to rush squadrons in other states. As for your other point, they usually have separate application “cycles” for flyers and off the street hires. So it’s a little more level ground going up against other non-rated people and civilians. I see you in the PSDM forum a lot, I’m right there with you man, waiting for these results. Good luck brother
  20. You’re right, should’ve provided more details. I’m already in, waiting for results on the active duty rated board and also pursuing the guard option.
  21. Can’t hear tone over text, I’m sure it would sound different if we were in person. I’m not butt hurt, just didn’t seem productive. I’ve been working at it for a few years now after not getting rated out of rotc. And I understand guard is more competitive, I dipped my toes in the guard world last year and know I’m going against 100-200 other people for a single slot, but the risk could be worth it with their unit and airframe. I’ll probably take you up on your offer, I’ve been using any resource I can get. Should know if I’ve got an AD slot this week.
  22. @di1630Hey screw me for having a dream, huh? If you wanted to be a pilot but got offered a CSO slot would you take it in hopes for a cross train ETP later on or something? Or would you keep going for a pilot slot since that’s your goal? Then maybe don’t hate on me for trying to do something that gives me the best shot at accomplishing a goal. If I want to be a fighter pilot why would I take an AD slot if they’re not giving any T-38 tracks? It’s all risk calculation, if I get a heavy then so be it and I won’t be a piss baby about it, but why would I set myself up with worse odds from the start?
  23. Hola, I've heard some talk about abysmal T-38 track rates at UPT recently (sometimes none at all), can anyone confirm? I'm currently in limbo trying to decide between an active duty slot (if I get one) or go all in on a guard fighter squadron that is my dream unit. I'm only really interested in fighters, which obviously makes UPT even more competitive and makes guard more alluring to me with the airframe guarantee. If UPT classes are hardly dropping any T-38's then that's a little dissuading for guys who are shooting something you might not get just based on availability. Of course, even if I got an AD slot I wouldn't be at UPT for a year or two so everything can change, as the big blue does.
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