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  1. wikz


  2. wikz


    surprisingly likable song one of our pilots was stepping to this morning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Py87_TdJ60
  3. so from what I'm hearing, UPT is using a civilian flight school for IPT flying to compensate for the dying t-6 fleet or just to save more money and acquire additional hours, then advancing studs to fly the t-6. how is this going to work if students already have certs from part 141 or 61 schools? do they just skip the whole program? also is IPT not included in the mass score?
  4. nice humor man lol. I am also an aspiring pilot in the process as well so take what I say with a grain of salt. For some reason people think that you can't prepare yourself for the test which I believe is truly false. Ive heard from many people that have successfully taken the TBAS that https://tbastestprep.com or really just some research on the test are ways to help you prepare for it. The link does cost some money to use, but it's an aid to help you become a professional military pilot. ill leave it up to the real aviators to help you out from here. hope I could help and best of luck dude.🙂
  5. wikz


    what y'all know about buckethead?🫣
  6. hello, just a hopeful fighter applicant too, looking for advice. great scores btw dude; if you don't mind me asking, what study methods/habits do you or did you have for like the AFOQT and the civilian side of flight training?
  7. https://www.twz.com/35401/check-out-this-incredibly-rare-image-of-an-f-22-pilot-wearing-a-helmet-mounted-display apparently, scorpion (the company making this helmet) stopped by the shop recently showcasing their new design that they're wanting us to use since we are the only guard f22 base. I must say, this is a sick ass helmet.
  8. im currently in AFE on the fighter side trying to go for an f-22 slot for my guard unit, and I have to say that AFE is a great choice. the job is fairly mild, and you see pilots DAILY. for example, you see them step, come back from flying a sortie, getting their gear to head to alert, and if they ever just need help with something. YMMV, but most of our pilots are super cool and will make small conversation. avionics is also a good one. ive heard of a couple guys prior enlisted get hired from that AFSC. as stated by jonlbs, crew chief is a good job as well because the pilots respect them a lot for their work ethic. They're constantly fixing up the jets so they can fly. however, its not a laid back job, that's for sure. the hours are shit and working in the hot sun all day just aint the most fun. ive heard a lot of complaining from that side, but we also have a couple prior enlisted hires from there too. barbus has some good suggestions too; SARM and intel get good FaceTime as well. it all depends on what you're interested in; do some research on the jobs on the good ole google. I really love the whole fighter pilot shebang and like working on the gear so if that's you maybe AFE is your pick. (biased? maybe.)
  9. thank you so much!
  10. hey y'all, this has been a possibility ive been thinking of and I was wondering how it would go with an FC1. a while ago, I would get chronic ear infections and was given allergy medicine and ear drops that only fixes the problem slightly. I can wear headphones for a bit and my ears now only get irritated, and sometimes my hearing lessens a little; almost like a preceding ear infection, but after a day or two, my ear is fine. I figured this would be a problem that I would need to address before an FC1 or getting hired because when and if I get picked up at my unit and I am flying at UPT, IFF, b-COURSE, etc., my ears will definitely be covered for long periods of time (HGU-55P). this will for sure irritate my ears. TLDR; if I got tympanoplasty surgery before getting hired, would that disqualify me at my FC1, requiring a waiver? Or, should I wait to get hired and get surgery after since right now my guard unit is taking 3 years+ to send 11F's to UPT?
  11. tbh, all of them suck, but GEICO has been pretty good to me.
  12. I did another check up a week later and it's most likely a concussion. after a week, most symptoms went away but still not fully recovered. I didn't get a scan though because there was no need to with the mild symptoms I had; thank God. yeah, ive ben stressing about this and my chances. done a bit of research and its unfortunate the affects concussions can have on you, but I dont believe its anything that will disqualify me. if any flight doc is active on the forum, will 3 minor/ mild concussions affect me in trying to become a fighter pilot. or, will 2 concussions on record disqualify me at FC1?
  13. damn im torn. thank you for the inputs.
  14. wikz


    glad I asked before buying yesterday. thank you guys.
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