Speaking from no prior experience. I have done some reading on the forums, comparing peoples chances, and I am gonna second tomato on the leadership experience. Your LOR's, and flight experience are definitely strong. Your scores are pretty adequate, but when applying for fighters, there are people that have the same or even higher scores. if you want to improve you chances to get an interview or even get hired, I would check out https://bogidope.com and buy their package to improve your application.
If you're looking for strictly f-15 and f-22, bogidope also lists the squadrons that are hiring. But the older you get the less appealing you are to units, so I would say to not be so picky, and only apply to f-15 and f-22 units. shoot you app everywhere!
like everyone else after me that replies to this topic, assuming your going ANG, they are notorious for hiring from within. not saying you should enlist, but RUSH THE UNIT your interested in. get your face around the base, converse with people, but never miss an opportunity to STFU.
Best of Luck!