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Everything posted by HubZemke

  1. Instead of listening to talking heads, just listen to what Trump actually says out loud. Seems to me that most of us won’t have a significant life change if he’s re-elected. However, that is not the case for millions of people…the same people we risk our lives for so they can have the freedom to choose how they live their life.
  2. Listen to other briefs/debriefs. Walk around the fake pattern and practice radio calls(walking/talking/chewing gum) and thinking through pitch/power helps more than you’d think. Speak to your sister flight and see what they’ve learned. Go to the auditorium and study without distractions. Have fvcking fun!
  3. No…BUT I did attend the home for wayward boys and fell in love with Colorado!
  4. Little Rock’s course was converted to a badass disc golf course about 5 years ago.
  5. In a spirit of innovation and pathfinding, the next iteration of the gunner hug Ive been subject to is the ‘glow worm’. It involves a finger light and you can guess the rest…
  6. Long time lurker crawling out from his rock to finally post…I’d rather be there for my first tour than later in life. Also, if AFSOC stopped treating anyone at Cannon as a second class citizen maybe there wouldn’t be such a stigma associated with the assignment. I’m also amazed how many times I’ve been asked to go back when there are dudes/dudettes who have never left the salt lyfe…
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