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Everything posted by Hawke

  1. Found out that I got Laughlin through the EFMP trick. Still no dates on the CDB or RIP, so I'm not sure when I'll be there.
  2. Nothing, and I got the same answer you got 😞
  3. Congrats to everyone-- still no RIP for UPT for me or anything in EFMP 😞 I'm assuming it's because I'm one of the younger selects at 26 y/o. MFS on 21 March though
  4. I was picked up with a commander's ranking of 16/17, so I would wager that the board recognizes how subjective that metric can be.
  5. Have faith! My policy is to always trust anonymous strangers online
  6. Yep, GP/CC got in touch with my SQ/CC apparently. I'm also PST But regardless, CC notifications have gone out
  7. Just got commander notification boys! UPT Select LFG 99/99/PPL Good luck to you all!
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