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  1. About how long is the average wait for being notified of FC1 dates? Request was submitted 4 weeks ago and haven't heard anything. Seen a post in this thread where it took less than a week. I've been in contact with my recruiter and he says he hasn't received anything.
  2. Some questions for C-17 guys in the guard/reserve... 1. What does the average month look like? 2. How long are most of the trips? 3. What are the most common hotspots for layovers? 4. Do you deploy and how often? Thanks in advance.
  3. Anyone have current updates for F-16, F-15c, or F-35 on the guard/reserve side? Thanks to all who give updates and feedback in this thread! 1. Ops Tempo/Deployment 2. Lifestyle/ Family Stability 3. Community morale 4. Advancements & Future of the airframe 5. Preferred squadrons/locations
  4. Anyone hear back from Jax?
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