If you're dealing with undermanned communities, it's going to be an uphill battle to get that functional release to go anywhere else.
Not sure what MWS you're in, but we're desperate for guys in the KC-46 to the point of some other MWS folks being non-vol'd to our community. On this VML there will be multiple "crossflow" billets to 46 bases. Travis is your best bet as they're currently still standing up their 46 unit and they need people.
If you are 46...well....you can always rush a guard/reserve unit once you're done. Also, be advised, once you're in the 46 you're going to be there for likely the rest of your career. AFPC is not releasing anyone to any of the sexy stuff like U-2, B-2, 89th, E-4, Phoenix Reach, etc, and even the non sexy stuff like UPT.
I will say that just about everyone that comes from another MWS is happy with the jump, specifically the AWACS, E-8, and 135 bubbas we have.
Also, there are some communities that can tell AFPC to get bent. Test Pilot School is one of them, and if you ever receive a vaguely worded email about meeting the criteria for a "selective assignment", they can also tell AFPC to pound sand.