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Everything posted by QUAG

  1. Anyone have any SA on when we will get a training RIP? I know we can start as early as March.
  2. UPT select! 99 Pilot, 94 PCSM, #1 at the wing. No PPL This was my third time trying. First year was shot down at the GP. Non select last year and picked up this year. if you were an alternate or non select, don’t give up! Focus on leadership opportunities and awards. They help make the package very competitive.
  3. I haven’t heard official word on myself yet. however a buddy was selected. 57 PCSM 69 Pilot 40hrs No PPL 4/7 at the WG. Dude was a stellar leader with below average scores. It worked out in his favor
  4. Anyone have access to the list? My CC doesn’t have myFSS secure. Everyone has left for the day. Fml
  5. I actually just got back from Laughlin. After T-6 you will do a T-1 sim syllabus and then go to your MWS. Later on down the road they are looking to just send pilots to their heavy FTU immediately after T-6. All B1/2/52 slots are through T-38’s.
  6. I’m not on the VML however I’m in another unique situation. I took the AVB RPA bonus last year right as the board met. AFPC AVB dept said for bonus to stay active all I need to do is to stay on FLT orders. Meaning cross training is possible so long as it’s another Rated job. My CC and I discussed it last fall and he said it would be smart to take it. Thus, I extended 12 years with the hope I’d get picked up for UPT and my 10 year ADSC would run concurrent with my bonus extension. So I could at least get paid extra while staying in anyhow. Fast forward to this month, my boss and I had second thoughts if AFPC saw my signing the same way we did. We emailed our assignment POC’s and have heard nothing back. My biggest fear is they won’t release me from the career field because of this. Maybe no news is good news. However I am now having significant fears I shot myself in the foot.
  7. Answered my own question. A mentor on the board last year messaged me back. “Honestly much doesn’t change. The double check everything, allocate the seats, and then make sure to highlight any individuals who had a GO push and weren’t selected. Just to give the AFPC/cc a heads up that he might get a phone call haha”
  8. I just saw that. Good eyes! Looking further down i saw that during coordination they brief and vett through AFPC leadership. Anyone have any insight on the vetting process? What would disqualify someone vs validate their selection?
  9. Valid math! That could be a spot on guess. Where did you find the coordination date for last year?
  10. I had a literal dream about this dang board last night. I don’t know how many more days my brain can tolerate 😂😂 If it doesn’t drop today, then at least I can find solace in the long weekend knowing our next chance is Tuesday after the holiday Monday.
  11. My uneducated hopeful guess is 24 Jan! Monday is a federal holiday The 24th would be on timeline for when they released last year. waiting until the 31st would be just plain cruel.
  12. Dude, RPA’s have been great! I’ve been home every night, work life balance has been sweet, airplane is reliable and effective and I’ve had a direct impact on saving friendly forces by prosecuting enemy targets. My BS is in Aviation and I miss being in the plane. I know it sounds crazy, but I’m willing to give all that up just to fly again. 99% of folks who are RPA love it! I’ve never had a bad commander or DO, locations are not terrible. Deployments and TDY’s are abundant. I’m not saying that will be the universal expierence, just mine. Only guys who don’t love it are AFSOC at Cannon. QUAG
  13. That’s wild! Our guys were notified same day lol. I wonder if our Wg/Gp/Sq dropped the ball last year.
  14. The wait. I love my desk job. I’m the Chief of Stan Eval. There is just lots of down time which enables me to exclusively think about the board results.
  15. Last year commanders were notified the same day the results were published. Who knows. “end of Jan” is so relative. Did they split January into halves? Thus making the 16th the end of January? That would be the best possible outcome. My current job is making this wait unbearable. I instruct and fly (MQ9) twice a week and sit at my desk the rest of the week waiting for news. Good or bad, I don’t care. I just want to know if I need to prep for a move.
  16. 2 MQ-9 guys from my squadron got picked up last year. Both graduated flight commanders about to meet their major board. 99 Pilot/90 PCSM ENJPT select. He was prior enlisted pushing 32 years of age. 99 Pilot/99 PCSM Del Rio select. Normal ROTC dude. Applied 5 times before being selected. I don’t necessarily agree that they are hesitant to let RPA dudes cross train. We are at over 100% manning for the career field and they have a significant legacy pilot shortage. I think it comes down to luck and a nice package so to speak.
  17. 2 Fridays down 3 Fridays to go I am hopelessly opportunistic about a release the week of 24 Jan. “End of Jan tentative release” is about as vague as we can get.
  18. It’s tough to say. 80% of the people from my career field get picked up. I think what helps rated to rated as a RPA dude is I have already been through DOSS, I’ve made it through T-6 and got an instrument rating from the AirForce. I don’t know what the non rated stats are. But I see a fair amount of non rated selected on the board results in years past. It could very well be 50/50.
  19. Only 3 more weeks of possible a possible release! im a current MQ-9 instructor Pilot at the schoolhouse. Shoot me a message if you have any RPA questions.
  20. We’ve survived the first technical week of January! I reviewed results from the previous years to try to collect some truth data. 2021 16 FEB 2022 11 JAN 2023 10 JAN 2024 25 JAN note that these are the official posting dates. WG/CC’s have access up to 7 days prior to this posting date. Hang in there dudes and dudettes! nervously, QUAG
  21. I am in a very similar boat this year. Only applicant at my Wg so 1/1 strat lol. 99 Pilot score, 94 PCSM with no PPL. I’m a MQ-9 Evaluator pilot with 700 combat hours and 1300 total hours. I’m hoping the board saw that and would take away that having a PPL adds little to me as a candidate. I set the expectation of 31 Jan, however it’s driving me nuts already. Making it to the end of this month is going to be a doozy! Im glad im not the only one suffering haha.
  22. This time next month we will know! what bases did you list as your top preference and why? I was Sheppard, CAFB, VAFB, LAFB I want to fly fighters, Sheppard is the best place to do that! CAFB is close to family, VAFB seems less sucky than Del Rio by the sea.
  23. We are one month closer to results being posted! if you can get it out of your cranium, you’ll be surprised how fast time goes! May you and your families have a Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year!
  24. It is up to the AFPC gods. It’s a big lift to get this published. I've seen results published the second week of January and the third as well. Have your expectation be EOD 31 January. In the event it publishes sooner, it’s just icing on the cake!
  25. Board process started today and goes until Friday! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!
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