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Everything posted by QUAG

  1. I think this will depend on when IPT actually starts up. From my very brief research 6-9 minutes reading the draft of the requirements. It sounds like a candidate will show up regardless of what ratings they possess and prof advance through training to their specific skill level. do you know when the first class of IPT is expected to start? Did CAE keep the contract in Pueblo Co? BLOB: I believe PPL’s won’t be as heavily weighted. But can still be used as a tie breaker as it shows investment and ability of some degree.
  2. Good luck! my first time my scores were average. I had a Pilot score of 78 and a PCSM of 76. I was number 3 at the Wg. I was a non select. I took this last year to really work on my application. I retook the AFOQT as a senior captain. I felt like Billy Madison in my testing center with all junior enlisted testing to commission. I was able to bump my scores to a 99 pilot, 92 PCSM and earned the #1 Wing strat. I sincerely hope this is enough to get me across the finish line for this year!
  3. Of course! It’s generally quiet until mid November when the board meets, then quiet again until late December lol. I’m expecting 250-300 applicants this year with 70-80 slots. Is this your first go at it?
  4. Thanks dude! I appreciate your kind words! Hopefully this is the year!
  5. I heard the same. A mentor of mine was on the last 2 boards. He told me that he’s expecting 70, maybe less. However hoping for more!
  6. A place to share information and talk about the FY25 UFT board.
  7. Anyone tracking a forum for the board starting November this year?
  8. I firmly believe they will drop it on the 29th to CC’s. Any sooner would be a treat, however they said late January, and they’ve held true to that.
  9. Update posted. Looks like another week and a half. F in the chat.
  10. Being an Instructor in AETC will do that to you. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  11. A buddy of mine got selected last year. He is currently at UPT. His neighbor is the wing exec and she discussed it with him. I wouldn’t have texted my wing exec, and my sq cc if I didn’t believe him. I have no reason to believe that this guy would ever lie to me.
  12. Heard from a friend that WG CC’s have it. Verifying with our group exec, he’s reaching out now. Will report back as I know more. nervously, QUAG
  13. With my knowledge on how fractions work. It’s safe to say 50% chance phone calls are happening this week! Good luck to everyone! Live-Laugh-Toaster Bath QUAG
  14. For me, a call happens a week before any lists are published. I’m antsy and just want an answer as to yes or no. I’ll happily speak to my boss if it saves a week of anxiety.
  15. Ladies and Gents, We’ve survived another week! Which is absolute guarantee we are one week closer to knowing. If you get a long holiday weekend, enjoy it! If you’re working, TYFYS. Live-Laugh-Love, QUAG
  16. I’m stuck in the weird dance where I’m checking the forum 29 times a day, and making myself overly accessible to my CC. Keep hope! How is everyone dealing with their nerves day to day?
  17. Saw someone asked for a timeline on results. Thank you for your service. Looks like we should hold out hope until the end of January! In the trenches, QUAG
  18. New to the forum, good luck to all you dudes and dudettes! my stats: current RPA IP 869 combat MQ9 hours, 400 other hours 90 civ hours (no ppl) lots of ultralight 78 PCSM 88 Pilot AFOQT O6 chief of safety at Randolph gave letter of Rec Personal letter focused on being selected to plan sorties for our RPA wing in the ECS to combat near peer adversary. strat: 3 at the wing. how the data trends, looks like they alternate high and mid level pickup numbers. Last year they selected 69. Fingers crossed this year they take close to 100 this year. Good luck everyone. We’ve got this! Nervously, QUAG
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