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Everything posted by LeeLue

  1. If someone gets medically DQ’d or something of that nature and a spot opens up, you’re one of the folks with first dibs
  2. Whoa what??????? You got notified this late in the evening?
  3. The past few years, CC notifications have been a week prior to official PSDM release. But this year could be different with the new process they implemented.
  4. We’ll be lucky if we got notified by Thursday. If things play out like how they did last year, CCs were notified on a weds around COB. Folks were notified following day.
  5. Well… while we wait another dang day, anyone know if they still giving out a10 slots for active duty pilots?
  6. Can’t remember the reg exactly, but I think if you turn it down once or twice then you can no longer apply for future boards. Keep that in mind.
  7. When you got the call, did your CC tell you the date/location of training? Or Just that you made it?
  8. So we celebrating tonight!? lol. Fingers crossed.
  9. Why are you even in this forum if you’re in the ANG? Stay in your lane. And you obviously seem like a guy/gal with poor leadership skills… or one who probably hasn't even held a real leadership position. This board places leadership first to keep toxic folks (somewhat like yourself) from ever getting in key leadership positions.
  10. Guess getting kicked in the nuts is a “lucky” thing now fellas. Lol you must have experience with that by the way you talk brotha 😂🤣
  11. Think you’re in the wrong forum buddy. Go find an ANG forum lol
  12. Elaborate please. How is he lucky? Lol
  13. This is correct. At the end, it’s up to us to submit the entire package on myvector. No one should care about this package more than the applicant. I was pinging the wing exec to make sure my docs were signed and g2g two weeks prior to suspense. also even contacted Mr. Cateano at afpc to double check my package was received and g2g as well.
  14. Dude look at FY22… someone got picked up with 17 PCSM. That’s the future chief of staff right there lol
  15. What was your scores as well if you don’t mind sharing?
  16. Mind sharing your scores? Getting me worried now lol
  17. I volunteered too. Most I saw selected from previous boards was 11. I think last year or the year before only had 4 selects. Can’t remember
  18. I believe it takes that long bc afpc has to release all selectees from their current career fields and generate assignments for them as well. Take in account the holidays too…
  19. Based off this article, I hope and pray it’s more than last year!
  20. The only thing I can think of for someone not to get picked up with those scores are probably due to lack of leadership experience/qualities. Leadership is almost half of the criteria in which the board looks at. If a guy can fly, that’s only worth 30%.
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