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  1. Thanks for the update! I'm guessing this coincides with the T-1 going away soon? Lots of stuff seems to be changing before I get class dates...
  2. Kirtland (NM Air National Guard) also has HC's as part of the 188th Rescue Squadron, but they're shared with the schoolhouse. From my visit with them they seemed fairly low-key, and everyone at the unit is good peoples.
  3. I tried applying to their opening last year and same thing: crickets. Not sure what to recommend besides being the squeaky wheel. Ultimately I was picked up at a different unit.
  4. That's my bad. You're right, it is maybe/yes, but they still might make you get ACS review for a waiver.
  5. Your biggest hurdle if you get hired will be getting through MEPS. If they don't see your diagnosis, they will 100% see your pharmacy records and that will raise a giant red flag. I recommend looking through the airforcerecruits subreddit and using the search function there. Iirc, the USAF won't consider a waiver to join until you have been off meds for 2 years and shown stability, but as usual make them tell you no. As for flying class physicals, it is unlikely to get a waiver according to the waiver guide, but it all comes down to what the flight doc sees or wants to do. Bottom line is you'll have an uphill battle, so good luck. From the waiver guide:
  6. It's their equivalent of airman, soldier, or marine.
  7. Second this. Enlisting for the sake of it isn't going to change much besides adding random responsibilities to your plate and wearing the uniform once a month. Shit, that unit might not even bat an eye at you if you're not around the ops group. It sounds like you don't just want to fly fighters. Fundamentally you want a change of pace. Choose an AFSC that fulfills that desire to serve because I can tell you probably it won't come from a personnel or maintenance gig. Aircrew, AFSPECWAR, or medical (aeromed evac mainly) might be better choices. No matter what, it's your story to write, so make it something cool if you don't get that pilot slot.
  8. Yup. Murder has to be premeditated. Proving that in court beyond a reasonable doubt would be difficult. Edit: Looks like in Florida it doesn't have to be. My bad and thanks tac airlifter!
  9. Bummer. I'm supposed to be going there within the next year. Beachside sim club.
  10. Recently discussed here. Save for the UCT studs, the T-1 is a gonner.
  11. This bill is stupid when you actually consider what airframes are in the Guard. Specifically the B-2 comes to mind... What about units with very specific capabilities like the 109th? This would imply either re-missioning a lot of squadrons or trying to bring them back under AD like they tried with the ANG space groups.
  12. With that being the game plan, how is IFT affected? Doesn't make much sense to spend so much money on DA-20 training to get students to presolo when they're going to solo in the GA world anyway. My opinion (for as little as its worth) is that students should still get time in a higher performance aircraft before T-7's. Maybe something light and turbocharged? Going from bug-smashers to a "tactical" jet would be quite the jump.
  13. I don't know what's more frustrating; the fact that his symptoms were textbook for serious cardiac issues or the fact that none of the other aircrew responded in any serious manner for several hours. "...MM’s case of aerospace decompression sickness, coupled with his underlying medical condition, was so severe that actions taken by the HAAMS personnel or the aircrew to mitigate its effects would not, by a preponderance of the evidence, have likely proven successful." And that's just it. We'll never truly know because they didn't try.
  14. Thanks for the heads up. Lots to think about with the AIB's coming out this year. Priorities, crew communication, and heeding the instruments are my biggest takeaways from this and the B-1 crash. RIP to those lost in the CV-22 crash.
  15. Well crud. Then what? Rely on sims and push the big topics to the FTU's? This seems like a race to the bottom.
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