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Everything posted by Flev

  1. It should as long as it's still within the valid period of what? 48 months I think?
  2. The plan is for the other bases to do IPT come Fall.
  3. Average X user discovers great circle routes.
  4. So what you're saying is we need a HUD or projection-type solution that converts ADS-B in and RemoteID position data into a 2D marker. It's an easier solution than we realize (it could probably be done with a raspberry pi), but innovation runs at the speed of turtle.
  5. Trust me, I know. I joke that Prescott is the labor camp for the Daytona mothership, so they try to get as many students as possible into the flight program with no care for secondary effects. How they expect to get IPT students pushed through is beyond me, especially with the dismal DA-42 rates.
  6. IFT (the original one at Pueblo, CO) used Diamond DA-20's. IPT (the new program) uses whatever the flight school you get sent to uses to go from Private all the way to Multi (likely Cessna 172S Nav III's, PA-28 Cherokees, and/or Cessna 310s for multi stuff). One of the IPT locations is ERAU in Prescott. They use 172's and DA-42's for example.
  7. Welcome to the slow burn of the Guard process, and congrats btw. NGB won't approve a rated appointment packet until they have your FC1. As far as FC1 dates, I'm not sure. WP seems to be constantly backed up so expect a few months of waiting.
  8. This is how it was explained by someone with a better grasp on O retirements in the ANG: "What happens is that he can still serve while in this continuation of service status [as the CJCS], and then when he's done, he's done. He does not 'retire' again. They just pick the date when his service will end, and on that date there will be an immediate separation from service."
  9. For sure. I meant the person that tweeted, not you. Sorry about that.
  10. Here comes the peanut gallery...
  11. If you want a quick run-down of the SFRA procedures for GA, this link has a kneeboard card explaining everything. It can get a little confusing if you haven't done the training. https://www.faasafety.gov/files/gslac/courses/content/405/1310/170301 Kneeboard - DC SFRA Checklist.pdf
  12. I think it's also a direct response to SCOTUS getting rid of Chevron Deference (https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/06/supreme-court-strikes-down-chevron-curtailing-power-of-federal-agencies/) last year in the wake of agencies who were using their rule-making authority to create pseudo-carveouts in the law. One example was the ATF's bump-stock case which ultimately was found to violate the Administrative Procedures Act last summer (https://www.oyez.org/cases/2023/22-976). Now whenever a legal challenge comes up against these agencies, they can't just have government lawyers appease judges by saying "Trust us we're the experts." They have to show a legitimate attempt to remain within the guard-rails set by Congress, and Trump's administration is likely tired of these agencies making fools of themselves.
  13. They only look at the documents you provide in your packet.
  14. End of the line for T-1's at Pensacola. What a time to be alive. https://www.pnj.com/story/news/local/pensacola/2025/02/14/air-force-training-unit-at-nas-pensacola-begins-sendoff-of-jayhawk/78393747007/
  15. The thing is that some of these standards changes are situation normal in the other branches. The AF has been insulated from the usual tomfoolery of morning PT formations, uniform inspections, restrictions on cold weather gear wear, etc. for example. What we turn a blind eye to would have a PVT at the front leaning rest after pissing off some E-5 SGT for wearing the fleece cap outside of the "cold season."
  16. I agree that pre-UPT flight training can be beneficial as well. I worry that the time-constraints placed on students going through IPT will lead to part 141 instructors/check airmen pencil-whipping some things rather than emphasizing the standards. 6 months (?) to get PPL, IR, and Multi is doable but highly weather and plane dependent.
  17. Extremely unfortunate, but here's a good break-down of that TCAS RA that happened the day prior.
  18. USAF when it's gone through 3+ iterations of pilot training in the last 5 years:
  19. Perhaps not, but Navs/CSO's are likely next in line for training dilution. Anyone hoping this is just a pilot problem should widen their FOV just a little bit. First they came for the T-1's... Then they came for the sims... After that they came for IFT... Suddenly all that was left was shoveling coal in the part 141 fire.
  20. Don't enlist with the expectation of commissioning in a unit, especially at your age. You need to get this ball rolling ASAP, even if you don't have your FAA medical yet. Keep pushing on the flight training and build/submit the rest of your package.
  21. Concussions are no joke, especially if you've had multiple or one from a car accident. I would personally get checked out to make sure you don't have a brain bleed. I recently went through the FC-1A process with a concussion on my record in the last 3 years, no loss of consciousness, less than 40 days of symptoms per the MSD. It was a non-issue and I didn't need a waiver at all. Put your health and safety first, man.
  22. She is indeed a badass! For anyone interested, OnesReady did an interview with her a few years ago.
  23. I don't think the acceleration of G's specifically contributes, but more likely sudden changes in any of the aircraft's axes. Think about how quickly your brain is "jostled" as your head moves in relation to the aircraft. Just spitballing.
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